Help with ideas for breeding OEGB BBR Please

One Chick Two

Jun 13, 2013

Hi there,

We have (what we were told) is an OEGB, BBR with a partridge breast. His name is Sir Banty. He's a proud little poser who is unbelievably good natured with his flock of 84 RIR and Partridge Cochin, so we'd like to have some of his chicks around.

We purchased him as an adult, so we have no idea how old he is or why he was bred to look like he does, so we'd like to breed him ASAP to the right females to have others with the correct type/ coloring to his- (I know there are many types) as we'd like to maintain the partridge chest feathers if possible. He's probably way off from show quality, but he's a pretty and friendly little fellow.

So my question is, what type of female bantam should we breed him to? And can someone recommend a reliable source of chicks or eggs? Thank you so much for your replies.

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Hi there,

We have (what we were told) is an OEGB, RRB with a partridge breast. His name is Sir Banty. He's a proud little poser who is unbelievably good natured with his flock of 84 RIR and Partridge Cochin, so we'd like to have some of his chicks around.

We purchased him as an adult, so we have no idea how old he is or why he was bred to look like he does, so we'd like to breed him ASAP to the right females to have others with the correct type/ coloring to his- (I know there are many types) as we'd like to maintain the partridge chest feathers if possible. He's probably way off from show quality, but he's a pretty and friendly little fellow.

So my question is, what type of female bantam should we breed him to? And can someone recommend a reliable source of chicks or eggs? Thank you so much for your replies.

I assume you mean BBR (black breasted red), not RRB. However, he is not BBR. His variety is called "brown red." The laced breast and crow wing pattern (his primaries are black, not red) are typical of this variety. He has too much breast lacing for the standard. He has a squirrel tail, also not according to standard. To be shown, you would need to dub him. For breeding you need a brown red female, preferably one with a better tail angle and less breast lacing. He is a handsome lad, even if he isn't quite at the standard.
Thank you SOOOO much for your valuable information and the correction (opps!)

We have a better direction we can start at now to perhaps breed prettier chicks. It's okay with us that he's not show quality- we just like him. He had longer tail feathers to begin with, but he recently lost the longest, so they are still growing back in.

Thanks again!

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