Help with Identifying Breed


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
Eastern New Mexico
I have 2 roosters and 1 hen, they all seem to be the same breed, and they have the same characteristics of a Sultan. They are bantam's. The hen though, does not look like the pictures of the Sultans that I have seen. I am curious because what I have read about the Sultan is that they are not good in the cold, and it can get into the teens here in the winter. If anyone can help identifying these guys for me, that would be great!

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Is it possible that one of the Sultan's is a hen? They look very similar, they are still pretty young, but I notice one seems to be more aggressive then the other, and only one of them actually crows so far. Sometimes the other one tries to settle onto the ground into a nesting position, but not as much as the hen (the possible Cochin) that I have. How would I be able to tell?
In the very first picture, the bird that is standing the furthest from the camera is a female, the male is closer. You will notice on him, his wattles and comb are starting to take on more color. I think you have a pair.
I don't know, they are both pretty red. Here are some shots of their faces. The camera doesn't do them justice (plus they wouldn't hold still) but they both have almost the same color red. The last pic shows the one on the left has a little more red around his nostrils. What do you all think? Two roosters?

I like to add the the larger one is the only one who crows, the other one just snuggles up to him while he is doing it. I am very confused!
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I'm going to disagree, although I will tell you right off that I don't have any sultans (yet), I have Polish, houdan and spitzhauben, however I believe the one with the crest that is slicked back over the head is a hen since the body looks very hennish in the first picture, I don't see any saddle feathers (course this would all depend on how old they are too). I would guess the other is a roo, although I would like to see a side body shot of him as well.
I agree the third looks like a cochin.
Nice looking birds, by the way.
Thank you!

The second bird is the one that currently crows, and the other ( with the slicked back feathers) is the one that acts a little more...girly I guess you would say
It is also smaller and less aggressive. I will see if I can find a better pic of their sides.
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