Help with legs please

Sians quails

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 11, 2012
Can anyone help me with these legs. They have been like this since my little bantam went broody. Today she has had one up but I can't see anything wrong with it. Also are the bubbles in the eye normal. It's sometimes weepy.
That is a very bad case of scaly leg mite. Poor girl!

Stand her in a warm Epsom salt bath for 15-20 mins to clean and soften them, then dry them and coat liberally in Vaseline. The idea is that the Vaseline suffocates the mites so you need to slather it on thick. Another option is to dip them in diesel. You will need to repeat every few days until you start to see the old scales come off and healthy ones start to replace them.

To get her to settle whilst they are soaking, make the bath in a trug or tote and just put enough water to cover up her legs... 3-4 inches. Make sure the water is not too hot.... just comfortable to hold your own hand in. Put the chicken in and drape a heavy towel over it to make it dark. That should help her to relax and not struggle to get out, but don't leave her unattended in case she falls over and drowns.

I hope you manage to get on top of it as that will be very uncomfortable for her and leaves her vulnerable to getting an infection.
Diesel really? That won't burn? I've had diesel on my legs for a few hours and it gave me a kind of burn. So just dip them in that every couple days? I'm worried the Vaseline won't be good with things getting stuck to her ect
Thanks heaps for your help
or neem oil or mineral oil or I believe one member used campo-phenique(spelling?) or vetRX after soaking etc.... plenty advise or this forum ,plus chick chick site and youtubes....

below also link

I would look at the others and at least apply some vaseline.
Tillys nest says to scrub coop and roost esp... just might read the above link It makes sense ...explains more. Nip it in the bud...

oh bubles in eye read not good Do a search on this forum for such, lots of info
good luck
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