
Apr 29, 2024
I tried putting woodash in my coop and i used neopitroid powder on my hens and i dropped some in the coop too but when i came at night to check all of the mites i think nother fowl ones were huddled at the door are where i didnt sprinkle the woodash and i used a carton and lit in on fire then slowly burned all of them but theres still mites on my hens, also that same night i checked and there was a big concentration of mites in one part of the woodash idk why so i killed them too with small amount of gasoline but yeah should i just wait until the woodash kills all of them or what
Most folks use Permethrin powder/garden dust in their coop and on their chickens, then repeat this in 10 days.

There's another product called Elector PSP that is very expensive but works well too. There may be a few other good mite killers but those are the two I've heard most about. We sprinkle the coop monthly with food grade diatomaceous earth and in 8 years never had a mite or lice. That won't do any god for an infestation though, just an idea for once you've got them all gone, to keep them gone.

I'd be sure to give the chickens some vitamin water, like Nutradrench or Poultry Cell as those mites wear them down fast.

Oh, and welcome to BYC!!
Yeah but since im from very poor country i cant get any of things u mentioned and if i order it the shipping is hella expensive, is there something like garlic or idk
Then I'd just keep using your wood ash. It's not fast but it does kill them. I'd make sure to clean out the coop and away from the chickens burn all of that. Put fresh bedding in, and then your wood ash in the nest boxes and sprinkle around on the floor.

You can mix some wood ash where they take their dust baths too so that'll help get rid of them on the chickens.

You can also rub that in the chickens feathers if they don't do a well enough job of it themselves.
the main idea is focus treating the coop more than the birds, the mites generally live and breed where they roost and lay so if you control that, usually the birds wont be 'infested' ... if you cant get ahold of some kind of bug killer to soray the coop down with, use bleach .. to be most effective all surfaces and crevices have to be covered, so a pump up sprayer works best, and let it dry well before letting the birds back in .. you may have to do that every couple of weeks in the summer months .. also, a trick i learned gardening is if you have the time to 'daily' spray the coop out (or your plants off) thoroughly with a strong stream of water, it hampers bugs being able to establish themselves and can be pretty effective, but you have to be consistent ..
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Yeah i know i cant really treat my chickens because the mites are just in the coop and even if i do clean them off they will come back at night
Hmmm, would it be a good idea to put a house centipede inside the coop for few days, will it kill all the mites

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