Help with my 4 yr!


8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion for my four year old. He is alway biting on his nails and now he's chewing on things like toys and pretty much anything plastic. He destroyed a tupperware lid and some toys. Some people say it could have to do with stress; but I think he just has a bad habit. He used to suck his fingers but after two years I finally got him to stop this past Spring. Unfortunately, his father chews his nails sometimes and he saw him doing it one time and never stopped. He literally has chewed his nails all the way down, and he still bites them! My question is, do I keep on him about it or should I just buy him something to chew on that won't ruin his teeth?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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I think you need to find out what is stressing him. True, it is a bad habit, but nail chewing is usually in response to something else.
We had that problem. His fingers were so raw that when it became time for him to start writing and using a pencil, he could not grasp it well enough to write. Unfortunately his stress was his teacher. We ended up homeschooling.
Is he in preschool? Something might be going on there that you are unaware of.
Praise him we he ISN'T chewing them. That's hard to do when they are constantly in his mouth, but any time his hands are busy doing something be sure to praise him then, even if it seems like an interruption.
I feel your pain, I really do. Good luck.
chewing on anything is NOT a good thing!....(bad for the teeth)....(leades to braces!!!)...he is old enough to learn NOT to be chewing on his nails...YES keep on him!....try gloves??...they hate it but they cant bite through them!...
try it for an hour...(like a game)...after an hour of NO biting give him a reward!....increase the time of no biting, till he doesnt want to do it anymore!
Thanks for the replies everyone.
He is ridiculously smart, he said his first words when he was 4 months, started walking at 8 months, started reading at 18 months and now he actually does first grade school. I home school my children so I know there isn't a problem there. When I say first grade what I mean is, when he wants to do school or he is just plain bored I sit him down for 45 minutes or so and he does work out of his first grade books. I don't push him to do anything, he just does it. He has a very laid back personality and he likes to be nurtured unlike my oldest son who is very independent. If he is stressed about something how would I find out?
I am a lifetime nail chewer

Its not due to stress on my part, just a nasty habit that I have picked up over the years. My grandma tried to break me of it when I was young
Used to paint a stop chewing nails liquid available at drugstores on them. Gave them a very nasty taste and it lasted. It did make me stop (when I was living with her anyhow) but I have picked it back up as an adult....

Edited to add that it has had no ill effects on my teeth. I have never had braces or a retainer and my dentist has actually told me that I have near perfect teeth and I have chewed my nails since I was a small child.
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I know chewing isn't good but it took me two years to break the finger sucking
and I'm concerned he might hurt himself by chewing on things that could make him sick. So I am willing to trade off since his teeth are already crooked from sucking on them. But I don't know if it is a good idea. I used gloves for him with sucking since he mostly did it in his sleep but with this I can't keep gloves on him in the day, he will take them off. Besides the fact he will chew on the gloves.
Ask him.
When he starts to put his fingers in his mouth stop him and ask, 'What were you just thinking about?"
Pay attention to what your older son says to your younger son. What might seem funny or casual to a normal kid, gets dissected and pondered on by a really bright kid.
I always compared my short comings to my older brother. He did it all first and by the time I was old enough to do it, he did better. I was as smart, but never as good. I always felt like a failure. ...and I never had any nails either.
Take his fingers from his mouth, hold his hands and give him a bear hug . Tell him he is loved and you are happy he is your boy. Neither of you will get much done for a while. but It is worth a try.
Try as much positive reinforcement as possible.

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