Help with my dog!!!! Help!! Update.....

When did this start? How long is this going on? 15, 30, 45 minutes? Of course she should sleep with you - doesn't she always?
It started at about 1pm but just got bad about a hour ago. She got into the cats litter box, could this cause this? ( there indoor cats)
Get ready for a story..... my dog Jessie, when I first got her (she was a rescue, 6 YO) used to eat from the cat box when I was at work - I never knew it. She would walk around the house gagging , then started to get mopey - I took her to the vet and INSISTED there was something wrong, (emergency too, cost me $600 on a Friday night) They induced vomiting by putting drops in her eyes, odd, but it was a TOTAL cleansing of her stomach - it was about 10 pounds of cat litter that she up - the vet tech called it the 'motherload' - So, if you think your dog does this when you are not home, be careful and tell your vet that this is what he/she does. X rays will not show this - they only show metals -
Now, on the other hand - she still, at 13 YO, will go outside and eat grassand then come inside and start gagging like you said yours does, but all it is is the grass is stuck in her throat - almost like a piece fo hari
Good luck,
Just call the emergency vet line and talk to them. I've been a tech for 5 years and throwing up bile can mean ANYTHING like coughing it is just a symptom. There is only so much BYC can help you on this. If you are that concerned just call the emergency line.... they only charge you if you have to come in. I hope she feels better soon.
Pulled up on her records vac'ed for pavro at 7 weeks and 15 weeks. That's all the pavro records I have
I'm not a vet or anything, but I've had dogs for over 30 years and many have done this. It would be a couple of hours with gagging/puking every 10 or 15 minutes. If yours is doing this most of day then I really don't know how to advise you without seeing the dog.

95% of the time I would say the dog ate too much grass or something and it eventually stops. Follow your gut and do what you believe is correct. I know how alarming it is to have your dog act like this and not know why. You could try calling the vet and maybe the answering service can help or the vet may call back with some answers and you don't have to take her in. I've done that before.

If she drank some water today I'd think that was a good sign. If she pooped this evening then I'd go out and see if anything is in the poop that could give a clue.
If she was vac'ed fir pavro at 7 and 15 weeks? According to records dose that mean pavro is not an issue now?

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