Help with my pekin

Momma Duck 84

In the Brooder
May 22, 2024
Hey all! Im a new duck momma and I am having a problem with one of our pekin ducks. She’s about 2 months old approximately. She was an Easter reject and so we are not sure what her life looked like until we got her April 9th. We feed them Purina duck pellets. She was inside until feathered out but we let them swim every night for fun and exercise. They have been outside in their new coop/run for about a week and a half and all of a sudden Happy Quaker was having trouble walking she would wobble a few steps and lay down. I went and picked her up and saw no cuts or swelling. Felt all over and she didn’t cry out at all. About an hour later she was only able to scoot backwards and she was using her wings and beak to steady herself. She is completely alert just unable to walk. No other ducks are acting like this. So far I have tried direct liquid b complex with a syringe and a water supplement with electrolytes and stuff. She isn’t eating or drinking a ton but I have been squirting the b complex on her food and she’s eating her little dish. I did give her some peas 🫛 one night but she wasn’t super into them. Could just be cuz she’s scared. 🤷🏼‍♀️ has anyone else experienced this? What can I do for her? We do not have any vets locally that do poultry and I’ve been reading as much as possible (hence the liquid b complex and the peas)
How long have you been giving her the liquid b complex? How much are you giving her? It can take a while before you notice any improvement so I would give it more time.
Because pekins are such a large and heavy breed some may need a niacin supplement their entire lives. I would get nutritional yeast to put over their food daily.
I find its best to put the High Level liquid Vit B complex on mealworms and then watch to make sure the ducks eats the dose.

As @SilverBirds wrote, it takes time for the Vit B to work, once a duck has symptoms. I would expect an improvement in a week, but continue with the Vit B complex for a further week after adding nutritional yeast to the food
How long have you been giving her the liquid b complex? How much are you giving her? It can take a while before you notice any improvement so I would give it more time.
Because pekins are such a large and heavy breed some may need a niacin supplement their entire lives. I would get nutritional yeast to put over their food daily.
Since Monday and the nutritional yeast came yesterday so I put some of that on her food as well as the b
I also put some in the main food dish for my other pekin even tho she’s not showing signs

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