Help with mystery chicks--What are they!?


7 Years
Jun 29, 2012
I ordered some chicks in the mail and got a bunch of mystery chicks as packing peanuts. I've already figured some of them out, but a few still perplex me.

We'll start with the chick I call Warpaint, since he/she is the one I'm the most curious about. Any ideas on the breed?

Next there's this little brown chipmunk-striped chick. He/she has a starkly contrasting white breast, white down on the shoulders, and pink legs. The brown and stripes are very richly colored with some red in them.

I don't expect to get much help on this one--I have white chickens that I've had for years and we still haven't been able to pinpoint the breed. Feathers are coming in pure white. Beyond that, nothing exceptional to note. Among the possible breeds he/she could have come from, there are white australorps, white Jersey Giants, White Leghorns, White Marans, and White Rocks. Who knows what other breeds might be hatched at the same hatchery that aren't listed on the page.
I think I see a Gold Laced Wyandotte (little chick that looks like its wearing a mask), White Leghorn, Splash or blue Cochin (has feathered legs) and a Speckled Sussex (little chipmunk with pink legs). Cuties
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I think I see a Gold Laced Wyandotte (little chick that looks like its wearing a mask), White Leghorn, Splash or blue Cochin (has feathered legs) and a Speckled Sussex (little chipmunk with pink legs). Cuties
In the pic where "Warpaint" is sandwiched between two other chicks, I've already identified those. The chick on the left is my splash ameraucana, and the one on the right is a blue cochin. :)

I googled gold-laced wyandotte, and that was close, but Warpaint's markings are whiter, so I googled silver laced wyandotte, and there we have it! Mystery solved.
I ordered some chicks in the mail and got a bunch of mystery chicks as packing peanuts. I've already figured some of them out, but a few still perplex me.

We'll start with the chick I call Warpaint, since he/she is the one I'm the most curious about. Any ideas on the breed?

Next there's this little brown chipmunk-striped chick. He/she has a starkly contrasting white breast, white down on the shoulders, and pink legs. The brown and stripes are very richly colored with some red in them.

I don't expect to get much help on this one--I have white chickens that I've had for years and we still haven't been able to pinpoint the breed. Feathers are coming in pure white. Beyond that, nothing exceptional to note. Among the possible breeds he/she could have come from, there are white australorps, white Jersey Giants, White Leghorns, White Marans, and White Rocks. Who knows what other breeds might be hatched at the same hatchery that aren't listed on the page.

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