Help with sick muscovy hen


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2021

Our 61/2 year Muscovy hen started losing her appetite and energy two weeks ago. We do not know for sure but believe that she may have been intoxicated by a pesticide or fungicide from a neighbor's yard. We immediately started her on charcoal pills, antibiotics and hand feeding three times a day. Since then she has partially recovered.

Like I said earlier we were nearly sure she was intoxicated until three days ago when I found a strange object that looks like a grub or an embryo in her cage. At first I thought it was a parasite but it was not alive. We noticed that after expelling this thing she appeared stronger, in better spirits and began to eat as she did when she was well. Unfortunately the next day she was back to the same semi-lethargic state and we are back to hand feeding again.

Now we think this thing she expelled may have something to do with her condition but we don't know what it is. At risk of ruining someone's appetite I attached a picture of it. Its about an inch long and 3/4 inch wide.

Her symptoms include lack of energy and inability to pick up solid food and work it back to her throat . She definitely tries to eat solid food but she is unable to work it back to her throat and swallow it down on her own.

If anyone has any ideas we would greatly appreciate reading them.


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Since Tuesday she's been the same with no noticeable improvement. Doesn't appear to be uncomfortable or in pain. Mainly she lacks energy & coordination. She picks and tosses solid food around but has a difficult time working it back and swallowing it. Basically cannot eat solid food without our help and her appetite is below normal. She drinks water OK. Is there a possibility of permanent nervous system damage? I figured that if she has made it this long she will live but will she slowly recover to 100%? This has been going on for well over two weeks.
Started her on tetracycline the day before yesterday for now she seems stable. I'm continuing to hand feed her 3 times a day and giving her vitamins because she doesn't eat enough on her own. I'm not sure but I think she's better this morning.
Thank you for enlightening us on her condition. After researching lash eggs I am pretty sure that is the problem. I only hope that we got it early enough to get her back.
I'll keep you posted.
I cannot say we are completely out of the woods yesterday was the first day we did not have to hand feed her and today she began to attack her food with the usual enthusiasm.

We want to thank everyone that responded to our post. Without you we would have never guessed what was wrong with her.

Today I am very confident that the tetracycline is working and that she will return to her normal self again soon. However we are thinking of modifying her diet since one of the causes for egg lash is excess fat in the feed.

Muscovies are omnivorous and apparently eat nearly anything. She seems to prefer boiled fish with rice or noodles, lettuce and chopped tomatoes. We also give her calamari and shrimp occasionally. I think we need to cut back on the animal protein if we want to prevent another infection.

We have never found an over the counter duck food that fits the needs of the Muscovy. If anyone has any suggestions we would appreciate them. We feed the wild ones dry dog food but ours is spoiled and won't touch it.

Once again, thank you to everyone.
Hello: I want to update on our duck's condition. It appears that lash egg was (is) the problem and after more than two weeks of hand feeding and and three weeks of twice a day antibiotics (tetracycline) she now has a good appetite and eats on her own. She is definitely significantly better. However she is still not 100% recovered.

Her abdomen is still hard to the touch and appears quite swollen indicating (to us) that she still has something bad going on.

We are still giving her antibiotics twice a day but as I stated earlier although she has improved significantly it seems that her improvement stopped and after all this time it would seem like her recovery should be complete if I was doing the right treatment.

Can anyone with experience with this disease suggest something other than what I'm doing to address the swollen abdomen issue? Should I switch to another antibiotic?
Please let us know if you can help.
Thank you

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