

May 27, 2015
Fines Creek, NC
Since I last posted on here and got so many great replies, I lost one of my hens to and unknown illness or old age. I picked up 4 more Golden Comets and was experiencing great egg production! I understand at this time of year and light molting things would slow down and did.

Now one of the hens is sick, she hops on one leg and the other hens were running her off when she tried to eat or drink. I fed her separately for a couple of days, she got stronger and the other hens and my rooster are more accepting of her.

I have no idea what her illness is and the other hens have completely stopped laying. It has been a week. Any ideas?? Should I separate her? One book I was reading suggested I should have put her down immediately.
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I honestly don't know but chicken society is brutal if they detect weakness or sickness in a flock member.


You can post about her over on the emergency forum. Be sure to provide as much detail as you can (her age, if she is still hopping around on one leg, eating & pooping ok, etc.).

Have you checked the bottom of her foot for bumblefoot?
What symptoms did your hen display before passing? She may have been egg bound. With the current hen that hops, does she show any injury to feet, or legs? If you think they may still bully her away from food or water, please set up another feed/water station so she has one.
What would I be looking for? My brother's fiance and I were checking out her feet, didn't notice anything.

This is an excellent thread on bumble, lots of pictures. And if you need to do surgery, the how-to part is very helpful.
The other hen became lethargic and basically just wasted away. Wouldn't eat or drink. I finally put her out of her misery. This was prior to me getting the new younger hens. I currently have two older hens that have quit laying (age unknown), one Rhode Island Red and the other a Golden.

I then picked up 4 Goldens that were supposed to be 12 months old. The current sick one is one of these younger ones.

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