

11 Years
Mar 18, 2008
st.john's mi
Mama broody has hatched 2 babies today.There is 1 egg left.I live in Mi it has been 18deg at nite.Hte nest box is 5ft.up when should i move her and the babies down.And will she be ok in the coop if I put her in a special area with the chiks they are itty bitty bantams this is her first broody she is only 6.5m herself..I have a heat lamp in the coop now
I'd give her a couple more days before moving her to the ground but BE SURE the babies can't fall out of the nest. Put a barrier of some sort across the bottom of the nest box but leave room for mom to come out. Heat lamp is good. Yes, she should be fine if you cordon off an area for her and the babies. It would probably be a good idea to have the heat lamp shining on them (just for added safety). Good luck! I hope the other egg hatches! It's good she only has 2 or 3 to care for, being her first time and all.

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Hi Kellie. If ma hen leaves the nest she will call her chicks to come out too. It is surprising what the chicks will do to go to their mom. I would take the 2 chicks and put them in a brooder and let the hen sit the last egg for a couple more days. After it hatches, you can put the other 2 chicks back with their mom. Make a safe place for mom and chicks on the floor, provide food and water. If the ma hen is a "good" ma hen, you would not need a heat lamp. She will keep them warm. If you feel better with a heat lamp, that is fine too but make it so the ma hen can get away from the heat if she needs to.
Does this mean I am a grandma?
Congrats on the new brood and I hope you have good luck with the little darlins!
:cdYes you are a Grandma!! I was jusst going to pm you about them! The babies are just soo cute and tiny tiny.Little black ones with spot of white on them.The other egg is pipped I felt underneath her to make sure she was covering the babies.Another hen walked by her nest box on the perch and mama snatched her head pulling out feathers!!You aare so right about them going broody I think more 1/2 of the flock is broody.I have Cindy from Ky sending me some eggs that I will let a few of the other girls sit on.Another broody is also on 3 eggs they are due on wed.It is so cute to watch the mamas stand up and ever so carefully tuck the eggs underneath or pull up wood chips up around themselves making a better nest.
Congratulations on your new little family and more to come. Now don't get too carried away. You may find yourself with 250 chickens next spring.

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