Here is a picture of the two ducks. Edgar is the white duck and Bukowski is the one under the sun chair.

Can anyone determine the gender from this?
@Pussy Willow Looking at the legs on Bukowski I say female but get some good pics front view and side whole body. Of both. They are adorable.
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Thanks for the advice @Miss Lydia. I shall be scouting for a chum for Tonto pronto
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This sounds like what happened to my duckling. Mine had the same problem but it didn't get to progress this far. I do think you should add niacin of brewers yeast to that ducklings food ASAP! I don't know how much this will help seeing as it's gone on for so long, I got it with mine at around three weeks old. His legs starting trying to turn in and I got worried the second I noticed it, even though we gave him the niacin his legs never straightened but it stopped before it got bad. You may need some sort of cast to fix you duck's legs I've seen people do this. Something like this that makes the ducks legs straighten. For mine I just bought the niacin supplement capsules filled with powder for people and opened them and sprinkled a little bit into his food. I feed mine a water mush from the dry food which helped get the niacin in him.

I'm not sure on Bukowski from body shape looks female but in front pose legs look rather far apart so maybe still too young. Is something going on with B's legs or just the pose? B does have slim legs like a female would have though. can you get a better pic of B standing facing you in normal pose?

@Miss Lydia
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