

May 24, 2015
I have 2 drakes and I was wondering how easy/hard it would be to entroduce new ducks to them? (Females) since they are both males would it be easier? Ones a mallard and ones a Rouen. I will be raising 2 baby girl mallards soon. :)
I wouldn't suggest adding in only two females. That should work if you kept a single male but I don't normally suggest less than a 2:1 ratio. Drakes can be very aggressive during breeding.
I'll think about giving one away then!

Was that a mad exclamation point. If so no need to get mad. Giving away a duck is tough. I recommend jgetting the females and letting them out to free range together while observing their actions. If the drakes get annoyed at them or aggressive just make sure they don't fight. If they are ok with it then I suggest putting them together and seeing what happens.

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