

5 Years
Sep 13, 2016
Seattle, Washington
My Coop
My Coop
So my hen died Wednesday, surrounded in poop. Now my another orpington is pacing, going up and down the ramp into the henhouse, and is pooping diahrea everywhere. Please help I can't handle losing another chicken when they are so young (10 - 11 months)
Thanks - Salad
Get off BYC this instant and find the nearest vet, any vet! Call them. If they say they don't treat chickens say you don't care and the lives of all your chickens are at stake (because they are) and rush every single one of your chickens to the vet!!!!!!!! Be insistent that they treat your birds. Good luck!
Yep! Went to the vet, almost spent $400, but bargained and walked away with only spending $200 :D She had an egg stuck, but we got some medicine and she passed it in the ride home. I think she has another, but the medicine should help! The vet said that if she is in distress we should put her down but i dont think we'll need to do that!! Pretty sure she's laying her second egg now :)

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