Jul 22, 2017
So this is my second tim incubating eggs and last time everything went very well and to my surprise all hatched. This time, everything is going good except one of my Silkie chicks hatched and walked fine but needed to dry in incubator so I went to run errands and when I came back four hours later the poor thing can't walk. It legs are sprawled out on both sides of it and I don't know what to do. I opened the Bator to support chick since it was not walking but it didn't help. We think it might just be because of it is still weak, but four hours in and not walking? Please help! Do you think something is wrong or do you think this is normal?!
I've never hatched eggs before, but I'm pretty sure this is normal. Also, some chicks die the day they are born due to immaturly hatching. Don't expect him/her not to die along with others. Sorry for the negative news.
I've never hatched eggs before, but I'm pretty sure this is normal. Also, some chicks die the day they are born due to immaturly hatching. Don't expect him/her not to die along with others. Sorry for the negative news.
Thank you! I would love so more opinions if anyone has had this happen to them.
Hatching is a tiring job. Their first instinct is to hop up and run to hide. Then sleep takes over. They have a tendency to be wobbly and fall over. Stumble around and fall asleep again.
Once dry you can remove them from the incubator to a brooder. They still need heat but not as much moisture.
If after that the chick still isn't walking or seems to have more trouble it could have spradle legs.
If the legs are splayed and have a hard time staying under the chick I would do a quick search for spradle legs here on BYC. Lots of info.
Don't be too worried yet. Give the little one time to adjust to life outside the egg.
Hatching is a tiring job. Their first instinct is to hop up and run to hide. Then sleep takes over. They have a tendency to be wobbly and fall over. Stumble around and fall asleep again.
Once dry you can remove them from the incubator to a brooder. They still need heat but not as much moisture.
If after that the chick still isn't walking or seems to have more trouble it could have spradle legs.
If the legs are splayed and have a hard time staying under the chick I would do a quick search for spradle legs here on BYC. Lots of info.
Don't be too worried yet. Give the little one time to adjust to life outside the egg.
Thank you! That was very helpful :)
Make sure that the brooder has textured material or bedding so that the chick can gain purchase with it's feet and not be sliding around.
Thank u to everyone that helped. I asked a friend who is a professional and she said the legs are DEFINANTLY splayed. They are out perfect on both sides of the poor little thing. We are making a brace right now and hoping for a full recovery, would lol keep you guys updated!

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