

Dec 15, 2018
I have a 2-3 week old chick that was fine until yesterday...
today I came out to check it and it had the longest poop hanging out it butt..
only closer inspection itā€™s indigested grass .. chick seems lethargic especially compared to the other two.
Must mention chick are with their mum šŸ˜Š
Iā€™m in Victoria chicks get starter crumble and can eat adult layer seeds and pellets (as in same run)
Also on grass and has hay as bedding
Poo had the tiniest bit of pink on it but seemed to be mostly grass not just one blade
Poo had the tiniest bit of pink on it but seemed to be mostly grass not just one blade

Does your broody allow you to pick up the chicks? Since you're seeing a lot of grass in the poo I would check to make sure there isn't an impaction in the crop. Check the crop to see if it feels full now and then check the chick again first thing in the morning to make sure that the crop is emptying properly.

If there is blood in the stool then I would also be concerned about coccidiosis.
Broody definitely not going to let me pick it up (very protective)
Not sure what to do (fairly new to chickens)
Other chicks very energetic... just found out my daughter put some bread in there 2 days ago
Could this be the cause??
Chickens should always have access to grit appropriate to their size, in this case chick-sized grit, to digest their food. Do they free range with their broody? If so, they may have found their own grit from rocks in the soil. If they're in an enclosure, then you need to provide grit ASAP. And I would ignore the broody - if you need to pick up a baby to save it, then do it. Chicken can't peck that hard. If you're really worried, wear a pair of garden gloves.

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