
In the Brooder
May 8, 2020
I’ve eggs in my incubator at the minute it’s day 22 only one eggs has pipped so I proceeded to candle some more eggs and see what was going on, one particular egg had a very small looking chick inside so I though it might have died half way through incubation, I cracked a portion of the egg where the air doc is open to have a look, the chick still has red vessels going through the membrane does this mean it’s alive? It’s a lot smaller than the rest I’ve left it back in the incubator and there’s no bleeding
Temperature reading from the incubator itself was off so I put a hygrometer and thermometer in to make sure temperature was right was kept at 37.5 for the majority of incubation very rarely changed unless I opened it, my humidity was between 50-60% and raised to 70% since lockdown still only one chick has piped through the shell but I’ve candled more of them and the chicks are good size but havent internally pipped yet what could be the problem any ideas? Thought myself that 60% humidity at times might have been to high and resulted in delayed hatch but surely thought some more would have pipped by now
That is pretty high for the first 18 days. It shouldnt cause a delayed hatch though. But too high humidity does not allow enough fluid to evaporate from inside the egg and can cause them to drown in fluid.

Are you sure the extra thermometer was accurate?

How are the air cells?

Are you sure they are on day 22?
Day one begins after the first 24 hours after setting them in the incubator.

For example, you put them in on a monday, they are due to hatch 21 days later on a monday.
Air cells look good from what I’ve seen, says day 23 on the incubator so it’s 100% day 22 now, first chick pipped 24 hours ago didn’t make much progress so peeled some of the shell off thinking there was something wrong due to the rest not starting to pip hasn’t made much progress since but is chirping away in there membrane is moist hasnt dried out and I’m going to leave it overnight and see has it made any progress by tomorrow
Update. Had to help the chick out of the shell he’s still alive with no more hatched, it’s been 24 hours or more since he’s hatched and is still struggling to stand he hasnt got splayed leg and Just moved his legs really fast under him without going anywhere, anyone know if this will go away when he strengthens up?
They struggle when newly hatched. By morning it should be ready to take out of the incubator. By then she should be rested and in more control of her body.

If not, then, being a bad hatch and the only one to survive, i would think somethings wrong with the eggs or the temp/ humidity during incubation.
They struggle when newly hatched. By morning it should be ready to take out of the incubator. By then she should be rested and in more control of her body.

If not, then, being a bad hatch and the only one to survive, i would think somethings wrong with the eggs or the temp/ humidity during incubation.

I had this exact same issue with my hatch...If I had helped the majority of them, they may have survived, but I only helped three significantly and one minorly. One of the three didn't make it, the other three are still not the strongest, but are doing well, all things considered. I was told it was due to temperature as well, but many didn't even develop an egg tooth and it was all very confusing and upsetting to me...

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