

Jun 8, 2020
I’ve had my chickens about 5 weeks already and they’re about 7 weeks old. I noticed a couple of weeks ago one of my chickens wasn’t really walking anymore but instead dragging herself around to get food and water. A few days later she was outstretched on the ground and looked ready to die ! ): I brought her in quickly and gave her water and food ( which she barely touched ). I’ve kept her in my house since then and she still doesn’t move! She also cries with every movement she makes and sometimes starts leaning to the side but then catches herself And chirps loudly. She’s been eating more now but hardly drinking any water. I noticed her weight seems kind of heavy for her age also. Also she only poops green diarrhea (sorry TMI ) Please help🥺 I hope I described her condition enough. I hate seing her alone Because I know she’s very lonely. She doesn’t peep or chirp anymore. I tried bringing her sister in at night but she started pecking at her so I took her back outside. A thought that crossed my mind was maybe an animal attacked her but she has no visible scarring or anything. I also read that If they fly up and land hard on their legs that can hurt them badly. ( she used to fly over my fence ) Or maybe it’s a disease. PLEASE PLEASE HELP🙏😢


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I’ve had my chickens about 5 weeks already and they’re about 7 weeks old. I noticed a couple of weeks ago one of my chickens wasn’t really walking anymore but instead dragging herself around to get food and water. A few days later she was outstretched on the ground and looked ready to die ! ): I brought her in quickly and gave her water and food ( which she barely touched ). I’ve kept her in my house since then and she still doesn’t move! She also cries with every movement she makes and sometimes starts leaning to the side but then catches herself And chirps loudly. She’s been eating more now but hardly drinking any water. I noticed her weight seems kind of heavy for her age also. Also she only poops green diarrhea (sorry TMI ) Please help🥺 I hope I described her condition enough. I hate seing her alone Because I know she’s very lonely. She doesn’t peep or chirp anymore. I tried bringing her sister in at night but she started pecking at her so I took her back outside. A thought that crossed my mind was maybe an animal attacked her but she has no visible scarring or anything. I also read that If they fly up and land hard on their legs that can hurt them badly. ( she used to fly over my fence ) Or maybe it’s a disease. PLEASE PLEASE HELP🙏😢
Questions for you - what breed is she?
Have any other chicks got diarrhea?
Are they vaccinated for Mareks disease?
Try feeding her with a wet mash made with vitamin/electrolyte water mixed with her feed to make an oatmeal consistency.
The symptoms you describe could be Mareks disease or possibly coccidiosis.
@aart @Eggcessive
Could you bet her eating and drinking well, and take a picture of her standing from the front while you or someone holds her up? A pictue of her leg posution while lying down would be helpful. A video of her walking or trying would be good, and those have to be posted to YouTube with a link posted here. Vitamins that include riboflavin (B2) or super B complex tablets can be crushed and added to her food or a little water daily. She is a little young for Mareks symptoms, but very possible. An injury should also be considered. Look for swelling, redness, or green bruising on the legs.

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