
In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2020
We have introduced a roo to our girls did slowly through sep coops put them all together Saturday so all work up and today they have attacked him, he had a large open head wound I don't really know what do to, is they anything I can do to help him at home of is it a vets job please anything is a help
We have introduced a roo to our girls did slowly through sep coops put them all together Saturday so all work up and today they have attacked him, he had a large open head wound I don't really know what do to, is they anything I can do to help him at home of is it a vets job please anything is a help
How long were you integrating? Take him out if you haven’t yet, and attach pictures of the wounds. A good integration process, is a step one.
1: free-range together. For increasing number of hours
2: Seprate pens, but can still see each other and interact vocally.
3: Let him into the run, increase the amount of time he spends with them each day, but keep him in his own run over night. (Monitor this)
4: full time. Only do this once all other 3 steps are done without injury or conflict

I assume you put him in a run next to them for a week, while it seems to work, the chickens don’t really have a way to interact and it doesn’t work that great. Those are the 4 steps I use, and I’m suggesting from my own experience. Usually it’s best to raise and integrate TWO birds, so that if one gets bullied they have someone to turn to.

Keep him spectate until we can determine how badly injured he is. Then we can decide when he can start his integration
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He's in separate coop now I been to our farm supplies and brought a anti bac cleaner, I don't think I dare put pics up it really isn't nice.😭😭, He's been in a separate coop/run inside our big main coop/run for over a week we put them together Saturday and all has been fine we go check them every couple of hours and all going great till today checked at half 10 went back at 11:45 and he been attacked,
He's in separate coop now I been to our farm supplies and brought a anti bac cleaner, I don't think I dare put pics up it really isn't nice.😭😭, He's been in a separate coop/run inside our big main coop/run for over a week we put them together Saturday and all has been fine we go check them every couple of hours and all going great till today checked at half 10 went back at 11:45 and he been attacked,

I know the pics will be graphic. They really do help determine how to treat the injuries though.
I know the pics will be graphic. They really do help determine how to treat the injuries though.
Hi so we have cleaned with an antibacterial skin cleanser I've attached photos took as best as I could as don't want to pester him more than needed, he is separate from all the rest in a separate coop.


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Poor guy. He should heal fine with daily treating his wound with something like Vetericyn or 2% chlorhexidene, then applying some plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. When he is ready to go back with them, slowly introduce him in a wire dog crate with food and water. Then, have supervised free ranging. Is he close in age and size to the others?
Poor little guy. :hugs

I agree he can heal from that. Treat it as @Eggcessive posted above.

He is a Polish?

Are the other birds crested? If not then his goofy floof could have been what drew attention to his head. For whatever reason non crested tend to pluck those crests.
Poor guy. He should heal fine with daily treating his wound with something like Vetericyn or 2% chlorhexidene, then applying some plain antibiotic ointment twice a day. When he is ready to go back with them, slowly introduce him in a wire dog crate with food and water. Then, have supervised free ranging. Is he close in age and size to the others?
Brill hopefully he's going to be ok I never panicked so much I'm my life, he's two weeks older than the others, it was one of our girls who did it as her feathers have blood on them looks like she's jumped on top of him 😭
Sometimes you can get a bully in a flock. She may be top of the pecking order, and she might need to be separated for awhile when you try to get him back in the flock.

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