
Hen Pecked Wolves

In the Brooder
May 27, 2023
Can anyone tell me if Chicken dust is only during molting? It is very hard to breathe when I go near the chickens right now and they’re all molting. It feels like I have sandpaper in my throat. Is this normal?

#help #chickendust
Can anyone tell me if Chicken dust is only during molting? It is very hard to breathe when I go near the chickens right now and they’re all molting. It feels like I have sandpaper in my throat. Is this normal?

#help #chickendust
Try wearing a ffp2 mask to protect your health.
Chicken shedding dander can worsen during molt and they will intensify their dustbathing during this time
Chickens are always shedding bits of dry skin and bits of down. It is worse some times than at others but it is always there.

Another source of irritation can be their scratching. Bits of bedding or dry dirt may become airborne. Plus they are always pooping. If they scratch the poop after it has dried out it can become dust. I think the dried poop is part of what makes brooding baby chicks in the house so dusty. I think @LaFleche made a good point with the extra dust bathing during molting.

People have different allergies. It might be worth a check, not just dander but dust and other things.

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