
I knew who my drake was right at duckling stage and it was my first time ever sexing them. My drakes starting to get his brown breast area and the relaly pretty grey on the sides, now just waiting for the green head and the curly tail
I knew who my drake was right at duckling stage and it was my first time ever sexing them. My drakes starting to get his brown breast area and the relaly pretty grey on the sides, now just waiting for the green head and the curly tail

I vent sexed mine at the store where I picked them up & should only have one drake. However this was my first time & I'm waiting to see if I was right. Any extras & I'm going to find out how duck taste. I have two late qwackers that whisper. I'm just waiting to see.
I knew who my drake was right at duckling stage and it was my first time ever sexing them. My drakes starting to get his brown breast area and the relaly pretty grey on the sides, now just waiting for the green head and the curly tail

I vent sexed mine at the store where I picked them up & should only have one drake. However this was my first time & I'm waiting to see if I was right. Any extras & I'm going to find out how duck taste. I have two late qwackers that whisper. I'm just waiting to see.

LOL my hubby says to me "we need to find some REALLY mean ducks so i can try out duck!"
Muscovys sound mean ....hummm! LOL!
Oh i've even had broiler chickens vomit all over me lol quail dont puke every's just that if they've just reciently eaten and they are terrified of being held they MAY just upchuck on ya! LOL!

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