

Check, "curing leg mites" and "preventing leg mites" in the search area for postings of this problem. Or google it. I have read that coating their legs w/ Vaseline helps smother mites. I would do this for your turkeys to prevent transfer. I have no experience w/ mites as yet. Vaseline is also a good preventitive.

Personally I intend to put a "sand" box in my run and put some "food grade" DE in it as well so they dust on a regular basis.
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The mites may or may not still be alive.

The raised scales are a long living symptom of there having been mites. It will take a lot of patient work to have any hope at all of those legs looking normal.

Whenever you bring any new to you bird onto your property you need to maintain a quarantine zone and not put the new comers near the old timers.

It can be bad for both groups.
The mites could have been anywhere on the bird at one time, however the long lasting symptom of the raised scales come from the mite burrowing in under the scales.

Liter can be composted.

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