Help !!!!

Miz Mary

15 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Pacific NW
Im allergic to shellfish ... if hubby feeds the chickens the leftover cooked clams, can I eat thier eggs without a reaction ? Will the iodine go into the eggs ?!?!?
Hmmm, good question.. I'll wait for an answer with you....
Well, I don't know, but I doubt it.

What if someone fed the chickens peanuts, and a person with peanut allergies ate the chicken? I've never heard of that sort of chain reaction happening.
Interesting question.
I'll be interested to see what others say also.
Are you allergic to iodine? Eggs are a good source of iodine in the U.S. I did a little googling and it appears that the level of iodine in eggs is dependent on how much they eat. So the answer is Yes.

Eggs The iodine in eggs depends on the iodine in the feed of the chicken. One large (50 gram) egg might contain 13 – 26 mcg iodine, depending on the chicken feed.

Imp-I may be completely off in understanding your question.

BTW- Hi from Washington​
I would say it's highly unlikely. My sister is also allergic to shellfish and had an anaphylactic reaction during an intravenous pyelogram; however, she can tolerate iodine from other sources without a problem. She eats my chicken eggs almost daily and my chickens have eaten shellfish. A LOT of foods contain iodine naturally, and you probably eat them every day, so I'm guessing you're allergic to shellfish specifically. While the level of iodine in the eggs can be modified by diet, it's in a different form by the time you eat it anyway. It IS an interesting question though!
I say if you're unsure then don't eat the eggs for a few days until the iodine got clean out from the hen's system and tell you hubby not to feed it shellfish no more. Plus the eggs smells like shellfish after the hen been eating all that stuffs anyway. My nephew fed the chickens Sand Shrimp (we sell fish bait at store)before and the eggs just have a very unpleasant smells and he never feed them Sand Shrimp again ever.

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