
I honestly think you are being the voice of reason, and your neighbor is not. Usually on BYC, we encounter it the other way round--the one with chickens is the one who tries to be reasonable; you are proving to be a nice exception. I believe that in most cases people should be able to have the animals they choose regardless of where they live. However, I think that they also need to house and maintain their animals in a way that does not create a nuisance for others. All too often "neighbor" has disappeared from neighborhood, making it merely a co-located set of strangers. Being selfish and inconsiderate hurts society as a whole. I think recording their bird and replaying those recordings out your window at 5 am on weekends would certainly be an eyeopener, but better warn the others in the neighborhood who are not being targeted. Or perhaps you can schedule a weekend camping trip away, leaving the recording to play on a loop all weekend long

Actually, I'm not sure that that is a good way to go; I have mixed feelings. But your sheriff/police did suggest something similar...
Sumo kicked some butt at his new home. Something was preying on the hens and he drove it off. He got bit a little but he protected his ladies. When his new owner told me I was so proud. He's a good guy. I miss him.

After he was gone, one of the hens, Night-night, tried to take me on. We had to come to an understanding, she and I. Plucky bird. She used to go after my dog.
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Neighbor, in the interim, could you use noise cancelling earphones- I think that is what they are called, while you listen to music you like? Or maybe those hearing protectors people wear when mowing lawns or at practice gun ranges etc. I know they are bulky and uncomfortable - but I suppose better than nothing till this issue is resolved.

I too think an auto door would work to keep him inside while they go to work early. Also I've heard being in a darkened place(crate etc.) helps as does a pen, crate etc. that is low, so the rooster can't raise his head to crow. At least do their chickens, rooster etc. stay on their property? I'm thinking if they range and get into your yard they will say you harmed them or your nonexistent cat,. Good neighbors are so rare they should be bronzed.
Nonseq, you should take photos of the chickens two blocks from city hall, owned by the person that told you it was alright to have chickens. You could go to the local newspaper with them and ask why chickens weren't permitted for you but, this other person has them in plain sight.Just sayin' fair is fair!
somehow, I can't help but think...I'd like to hear the other side of the story...

not taking up for the roo, of course...
I guess it depend's on your local law's.If you are allowed to have livestock that's fine.But There are noise ordinance's people are still responsible for abiding by.TG I live rural and most neighbor's maybe can hear faint roo crowing even at all hour's.But I am surrounded my cattle horses, goat's and other neighbor's have chicken's as well.Even lately I have been bothered by a couple of my Bantam roo's it seem's they go nut's at daylight.I have Many roo's in my flock but there is alway's a couple or few that tend to drone on your mind after a couple of hour's of it.I would still never attempt to silence one of mine with any shock collar
. Hope it work's out with your neighbor keep Us updated.
So you have no livestock ordinances and no noise that means your neighbor does not as well....I can see TWO clear sides to this.

Their side--I have the right keep him--there's no laws that says I can't. And I've raised that adorable, handsome boy since he was a day old. He's a character, I love him, he's like a child to me. He protects my girls and I just can't/don't want to part with him. And why should I? there's no law that says I have to!! Some people even LIKE crowing, Backyard chicken keeping is SO popular there is even a forum for it! I listened to my neighbor's complains and have tried everything I can think of to limit his crowing-even a shock collar and still they aren't happy...what's wrong with my neighbors?

Your side--That rooster is noisy. I've tried and tried to put up with him and not complain but enough is enough. I have a right to enjoy my life! My property value is important to me, and I'm trying to study here. There's no real good reason to own a rooster--all those people on the chicken forum said so. This is irritating me so much I've called the cops, animal control and even posted on a chicken forum trying to get help (or ammunition for a court case). I was so happy until this rooster came along...what's wrong with my neighbors?

This is a truly emotional, stressful, situation on both sides of the fence! I wish you the best. I hope this can be resloved without too much expense and I'm not even thinking about money...
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Hi Moetrout,
Those are both great ideas! I will offer to buy the Rooster, although doubtful she will sell her "child" it's worth asking and I like your other idea, we had actually thought of doing that, recording their Rooster and playing it back through a loud speaker through the night hours.
Thanks for the great ideas!

Uh...OK....but honestly I was joking about the recording the rooster and playing it back. Unless of course fighting and jail time are your kind of thing. You did read all the way to the end didn't you?
We really have tried to reason with them........the husband is very laid back and is uninvolved, the wife is left to deal with this because it is her Rooster and she is being unreasonable and basically not willing to compromise, she is being selfish and not willing to take responsibility for her Rooster being a nuisance to others. The police chief has not been real helpful but it is not his fault there is no ordinance in place to enforce. The Rooster lady claims he was the one who told her to use the dog shock collar.....I find that hard to believe and if it is true find that unacceptable that he told her so.

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