

8 Years
Jan 1, 2012
I am not sure if this is normal but to me it doesn't seem right. I am new to the whole killing and raising. I gutted my rooster 2 days ago then put it in my fridge today I took it out and there was a lot of clear mucus fluid around the back and leg only one side. My boyfriend always told me he felt the rooster had a hump but when gutting it i didn't notice anything to that effect. The fluid is sticky and clear no smell the meat looks normal color with no smell either. Its about a half of a cup of fluid though which i think is a lot. Now i have only done this once killing gutting so maybe I just didn't do it right which is why I am not sure I even put this post int he right spot. I am pregnant thought and the last thing i want to do is eat a diseased chicken. Does anyone know if this is normal?
Hi. Is there any chance something higher on a shelf overturned and spilled liquid to the rooster below?
Another possibility is that some water remained in the carcass and pooled around one leg while it sat (though generally that would be pinkish).
Otherwise, I'm sorry I don't know. But if there's no bad smell and the meat looks normal I wouldn't be too concerned.
The water pooling is possible but not something from the shelf I had it tightly sealed in two bags and there isn't a lot in my fridge as I am not one to waste. If i don't eat it my chickens do I am sure you all know how that goes lol.

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