

7 Years
May 16, 2012
Hello! I am a 5th grade Science teacher from Ohio. As a class project we have been incubating chicken eggs. Unfortunately, I think they may have gotten fried on the night of day 21.....When I came in to school this morning the temp was 105! I am so sad! I think all of our hard work thus far is for nothing! When we left yesterday the eggs were moving around, but no peeping noises or pips. This morning I found one egg that had pipped, but the temp was through the roof! I don't think I've seen any real movement yet eyes may be playing tricks on me because I think I am imagining movement. What do you all think? Did we fail on the last day?

If this batch isn't successful, I think my children and I will try another batch for our summer project at home. Anyway, I'm glad to be here, even if we aren't successful!
Welcome to the forum.....

sorry to hear about the incubator malfunction. I guess too that is part of the risk of such a science project for a class. Kids need to learn the downside along with the upside, don't they? A good follow up for science would be teaching an analysis of what went wrong and how to diagnose and correct problems.

good luck with the summer project.
If it makes you feel any better, on my first hatch i let the temperature get up to 110 degrees! I thought i had done it for sure. But on day 24, one of the three eggs hatched. If it's already on day 21, then you should have nothing to worry about. The chicks are already developed and ready to zip, especially if you saw them moving yesterday. Think of it this way: under a hen, the eggs are never at a stable temperature. If it is really hot outside, the temperature under the hen will raise, and it will drop if it is cold outside. Yet, hens usually are very successful when it comes to hatching eggs! Best of luck! How many eggs are you incubating?
We started with 18 eggs. We have 6, though, that were successful in developing. Thanks so much for the encouragement! Hopefully, they will hatch..really for the sake of my 5th grade class! They have been so amazing at ensuring that they do everything right, that I would hate for it to end this way for them.

Chickat, you are absolutely correct on how this could be a great teaching opportunity about experiments as well as assessing the process and what they can do differently in the future.
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We started with 18 eggs. We have 6, though, that were successful in developing. Thanks so much for the encouragement! Hopefully, they will hatch..really for the sake of my 5th grade class! They have been so amazing at ensuring that they do everything right, that I would hate for it to end this way for them.

Chickat, you are absolutely correct on how this could be a great teaching opportunity about experiments as well as assessing the process and what they can do differently in the future.
How great it would be if they were to all hatch perfectly. Post back when you know--- almost looks like you will have to go past day 24 to be certain....and chicks can be amazingly tough too. Good Luck! keeping my fingers crossed for you and the class. :O)
Well, the one that peeped on day 22 never was able to get out of his shell on his own. I helped a bit on day 24, but it was obvious that there was something wrong with this chick. He didn't make it, but a chick that pipped on day 23 hatched wonderfully on its own! So, of 18 eggs we have one perfect looking chick. The class is happy enough to have just one make it! I'm so excited and my children and I are going to try it again this summer as our family project! I feel like this is addicting!
Well, the one that peeped on day 22 never was able to get out of his shell on his own. I helped a bit on day 24, but it was obvious that there was something wrong with this chick. He didn't make it, but a chick that pipped on day 23 hatched wonderfully on its own! So, of 18 eggs we have one perfect looking chick. The class is happy enough to have just one make it! I'm so excited and my children and I are going to try it again this summer as our family project! I feel like this is addicting!
That is so good. Congratulations. Your post helped me realize that 21-days may or MAY NOT be the magic number....THANKS!! Hope your little chick has a very happy life. Is there some place it can grow up with a pal the same age? Glad that your class got to see the hatch. Yes, it is addicting.

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