Help ??

rodders 1988

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
I have several chicks hatching and have hatching I'm new too the chick hatching game and have done lots of reading into how to sex them and it's confusing me is there an easy way ? What ways do u use ?
There are four methods of sexing chickens.

1. By color. If the chick is a "sex link" then the males will hatch out one color and the females another. This only works on first-generation chicks that are bred to be sex links.

2. By wing feather length. If the chicks are bred with a fast-feathering mother and a slow-feathering father, you can tell sex at a day old by the length of their wing feathers. This again only works with chicks specially bred for it--it's a common misconception that it works with all chicks.

3. By vent sexing. This is done by squeezing the poo out of the vent and looking for a little nub inside. This is how hatcheries sex chicks that can't be sexed by methods 1 and 2. It takes special training to have a good success rate, but it's the only way available if your birds weren't bred to be sexed any other way.

4. By far the most accurate method--wait. Post photos here on BYC when they are fully feathered along with the breed and how old they are and it usually gets figured out.

Best of luck; I know it's hard to wait.
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Thank u I don't fancie trying the venting idea I'll prob end up with all cockerel some of them seem to be getting longer wing feathers tho and will post pics soon

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