

In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2015
Y grandfather has many quails he went to feed them and found one stuck hks leg is completly rotten what should o do
Wow....I am not sure there IS anything you can do about that. This looks extremely infected from possible bumblefoot or maybe even leg scale mites. I would imagine this bird is in terrible pain. I personally would put this bird down. The skin looks like it is rotting and turn gangrene like.
Yes it is rotting his leg was wrapped around a strong for i dont know how many days is it posible to amputate the foot?
Not unless you know what you are doing. He will no doubt just bleed to death and suffer great pain. One of my quail recently ripped the tip of his toe off, a much smaller area of the toe and leg, and the bird nearly bled to death. I do not recommend amputation. But I do recommend putting the bird out if it's misery.
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Ok thank you i was going to take him to the vet but ill tell grandpa to put him to sleep
Ok thank you i was going to take him to the vet but ill tell grandpa to put him to sleep
If you do have an AVIAN vet, you could try taking him in. A regular dog or cat vet will probably not know enough to treat this.

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