"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

Quick vent du jour(surprise, surprise):
My eggs haven't gotten here yet, Sonja, one of my best White Call hens that was supposed to show Saturday took a poke to the eye so she's in a hospital cage, DH is asleep in his recliner so I can't even run my dishwasher right now, Damsel(tiny White hen) has laid her 3rd soft shelled egg and I had to curse out Terminix(that was sorta fun).
Oh well, beats a poke in the eye with a sharp stick...
Good news though, I THINK my incubator is peeping AND my brand new girl I got yesterday laid me a beautiful, hard-shelled egg this morning. It's going in the next time I set more eggs.

I just heard my eggs HIT the front porch...
Cursing here...so much cursing...
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You vent away east! We are all here to listen! I hope your white duck is ok! How many are you bringing to show on sat? Are your eggs ok?
I just got back from riding... Lol I'm tired now! When I ride 3 miles with the kids and trailer ( 60lbs) I burn 550 calories! Can't believe it!
I'm getting some BCM from ChooksChick. I got them on the egg swap thread. I had a beautiful flock of them last year but I had to sell them (I got really sick and couldnt take care of them). Now I can have some more. I'm excited
Thanks, ady. The eggs are not broken so that's good. I'll probably bring between 15-18 Calls to the show Saturday.
Yay for BCM eggs for Sonja and I hope you're feeling better today.
SonJab, I love you avatar! It reminds me of my aggressive little Periwinkle shen she was a baby. Pecked at me like a machine gun.
Lol how many of them are dh? I'm glad they aren't broken!! I'd have lost it

Correction-there were 8 and 1 broke and STINKS like rotten egg(that concerns me). I've had broken eggs come in the mail before, but they've never stunk like that...
Also, it REEKED of cigarette smoke-had to take the whole thing outside.
I don't know if he packed mine the way he did ya'lls, but I ain't real happy with the packing job he did...
Sorry, I'm picky about that and apparently, quite whiny today.
Lol how many of them are dh? I'm glad they aren't broken!! I'd have lost it

Correction-there were 8 and 1 broke and STINKS like rotten egg(that concerns me). I've had broken eggs come in the mail before, but they've never stunk like that...
Also, it REEKED of cigarette smoke-had to take the whole thing outside.
I don't know if he packed mine the way he did ya'lls, but I ain't real happy with the packing job he did...
Sorry, I'm picky about that and apparently, quite whiny today.

Sorry you had an broke. Mine did not smell like smoke. Maybe he has someone helping him pack

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