"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

Sorry I left you guys early. My head was killing me so I went to bed. Now I know why my head was hurting. There is a nasty little storm happening right now. They are notorious for making my head hurt.

Ady I love the babies. They are sooo cute.
ok so first off when i was going out to feed my birds my cat and dog were fighting over a poor little bitty baby bunny! So i grabbed the poor thing and dressed the few wounds it had and its sitting inside right now in a cage. I hope it makes it. I couldn't let them kill it....
Second off i caught another possum in the trap.... wow my birds have a lot of predators hanging around! I will just keep this trap sitting out there all the time i guess!
Morning guys!
Ady-glad you got another predator.
Sonja-hope you're head is feeling better this morning!
I didn't sleep worth a crud last night! Ugh...

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