"Helpers" Anonymous-Chat Thread

Just wait, next year you might have little poults running around the yard!

I KNOW! It was so cute. He seems so tiny to be doing that. He's only about 3 weeks old???????

I want a baby turkey....
The bantam chicks are getting on my last neve!
They tipped over the chick feeder and scratched all the chick feed all over the brooder and I just filled it this morning!
Yes I have I was 16 years old and I was fishing in the Arkansas River with my cousin and I latched onto a catfish that took me FOREVER to get him in. After it was over, I had blisters on the thumb and index finger. I feel your pain.
I KNOW! It was so cute. He seems so tiny to be doing that. He's only about 3 weeks old???????

I want a baby turkey....

I wish there was a breed of turkeys that didnt fly. I would get some of those.
My little bittys fly like maniacs. They are so cute! I just know that in a few months, I'm gonna be getting my rear handed to me for all the world to see by my adorable little Tom.
Hey guys...I REALLY want some Sebbies. I mean REALLY want them.
Go look at Missy's pictures of Sebastian in the duck group...I NEED!
East, my eggs are not developing. I put two SA eggs in with your and those two are developing and nothing from the calls. I set them Sat. night. I'm gonna wait a few more days and then pitch them if they are still clear. Please dont appologize. It's not your fault. I was just letting you know.
Crud-sorry Sonja-it may have been the heat. I was kinda worried about that, but thought it was worth a shot.

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