That looks like a good design...deep tray(how deep is it-if you would indulge me with a tape measure?) with inward curve on outer lip, spokes will deter side to side billing.

The way I have it positioned it's about 1.75." I can make it higher.
I raised the height of the feeder today. After reading some of the posts about feeder height in BYC it looks like the height of the top of the trough is supposed to be at the the height of the lowest point of the smallest bird's back?
If so, I had it way too low.
Maybe raising it will help keep the slop-over down.
I got the third ditch dug, the second one filled in. Built and painted a ladder, put plywood on the ends of all the outdoor perches. Painted the front door one last coat. Hardware cloth on the third side of the coop. And i moved the guineas with their three chickens into the run of the new coop! 20170904_172515.jpg
The way I have it positioned it's about 1.75." I can make it higher.
I raised the height of the feeder today. After reading some of the posts about feeder height in BYC it looks like the height of the top of the trough is supposed to be at the the height of the lowest point of the smallest bird's back?
If so, I had it way too low.
Maybe raising it will help keep the slop-over down.
Thanks! Looked deeper.
Keeping the edge of trough high and the feed level low is best.

Yes, height of feeder location is smallest birds back....
I've put stepping stones(bricks) out if I have only a few short birds, seems to work OK.
try to get a quick note in here.
the internet "service" is just plain lousy.
we called the company. they will send a tech right out,,,,on Wednesday ??????

I have just 2 ft left to pour and the 12 ft slab will be finished.
then I can start on the really fun part.
framing the walls and roof. I really do like to do framing. no kidding .. honest.

won't be doing anything outside today, I think.. scattered showers and cold .
well, colder than we are used to. in the 60F's ..

I got a new smart phone. still trying to figure it out. ran the battery dead and still don't know a lot .
can't make any phone calls, yet...
but I learned how to take pictures. LOL

If there is any space at all, those chickens will find a way to poop on it..


I have a question for y'all. I know the guidelines for coop space but I'm wondering what would be a good minimum size for my birds that only use coop to sleep and lay eggs. They are free ranged during day rain or shine. I do get snow in winter but will be adding a run for that just in case they aren't eager about going out in winter like they are now. They would rather not be cooped at all from what I see, but for their protection in the evening I lure them back to coop with food and lock them in til morning. I have 15 now in 2 separated coop areas due to not wanting my roos to be cooped together so there's a poultry wire separation.
I know the guidelines for coop space but I'm wondering what would be a good minimum size for my birds that only use coop to sleep and lay eggs. They are free ranged during day rain or shine. I do get snow in winter but will be adding a run for that just in case they aren't eager about going out in winter like they are now.
The 4/10 rule is the minimum IMO...and that's only if you have a large run that is totally weather and predator proof.
Believe me, Chicken Cabin Fever is not pretty.
Hello, i have a chicken hut without perches and nesting boxes, please could someone tell me the regular sizes for nesting boxes and what i should use for perches
I have a question for y'all. I know the guidelines for coop space but I'm wondering what would be a good minimum size for my birds that only use coop to sleep and lay eggs. They are free ranged during day rain or shine. I do get snow in winter but will be adding a run for that just in case they aren't eager about going out in winter like they are now. They would rather not be cooped at all from what I see, but for their protection in the evening I lure them back to coop with food and lock them in til morning. I have 15 now in 2 separated coop areas due to not wanting my roos to be cooped together so there's a poultry wire separation.
The thing is, you may have to stop free ranging and then they will have to spend all their time in the coop. It is better to build big than to rip it spart and add on later, IMO.
The 4/10 rule is the minimum IMO...and that's only if you have a large run that is totally weather and predator proof.
Believe me, Chicken Cabin Fever is not pretty.
Yes I hear ya there...they have full range of 10 acres until just before dark. I'm just debating on a coop and attached run or larger chicken house. I'm limited on budget and am going to keep the coop they're in now for a brooder and quarintine coop. I think I'd rather go bigger than 4 per bird in coop. I'm going to make a covered secure section for winter just in case but gonna be much bigger than 10sq a bird as to keep if from turning in to a muddy

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