So their first night out?
No, they have been outside since i got them. First in the brooder, then in the tractor. But the tractor is bigger and one side partly open. One light bulb would not do much to heat it. I didn't want to have sick or dead chicks on my hands. At least having the light in the coop got the guineas to go in there!
Yes, generally i use outdoor screws like you would for a deck and galvanized spiral nails when i want to use nails. Also when you drive in screws with a drill, use little bursts of speed rather than top speed all the way. It seems to produce less chattering and stipping of screws. Less frustrating , as well.
Use a bar of soap to coat the threads makes them drive easier
Hey I'm going to be helping a family with making the final touches to their chicken coop, I've had chickens for 8-9 years now, I've only seen this coop once, It's pretty good, I'm going to be giving them the chickens (4 of them)I got a broody and got thse 4 chicks, so
I'm giving them to this family, it's their first time, I'm super worried about the pen, it's made of tree branches (Big ones) ties together with some wire that's too loose to be chicken wire, I've refered them to this website, I'm going on the 9th of this month to make the final touches, I can't get a picture, but any tips on being prepared to help?
Hey I'm going to be helping a family with making the final touches to their chicken coop, I've had chickens for 8-9 years now, I've only seen this coop once, It's pretty good, I'm going to be giving them the chickens (4 of them)I got a broody and got thse 4 chicks, so
I'm giving them to this family, it's their first time, I'm super worried about the pen, it's made of tree branches (Big ones) ties together with some wire that's too loose to be chicken wire, I've refered them to this website, I'm going on the 9th of this month to make the final touches, I can't get a picture, but any tips on being prepared to help?
See if they have a budget in mind. I would think they might be better to start over even if they use pallets and hardware cloth. That sounds pretty easy for a critter to get in.
See if they have a budget in mind. I would think they might be better to start over even if they use pallets and hardware cloth. That sounds pretty easy for a critter to get in.

I belive we will be re-doing the fence, I'm going to try to copy the fence that I have (fencing in my profile pic) it's worked for me for 8-9 years!
I will echo the comment of not being able to stand or reach easily every corner of the coop. I'm waiting to see how spiteful my girls are before rebuilding though. As it stands, I have to lean in with a rake to refresh the bedding (poop collection media) under the roosts.

I feel that I have gotten an education of building it and then reading everyone's comments and saying, yep, I did that also. Here is a fix.

I do prefer slanted roofs. The next one will be where I don't brain myself every time I'm looking down to avoid stomping a chicken. Doh! Who put that there?

Hahahahahaha. Same! My dad Finished extending my run this summer (chicken math was worse for my family than me the actual hen keeper) the wore side of the slanted roof ....gah! I've hit it so many times. We were trying to keep the roof line the same and just extended it out. We should have just gone ahead and adjusted the entire roof line. Lesson learned.
I don't know how many people know this little trick, but i use it a lot. When you have to interrupt your painting session, just pop your brush into a plastic sandwich bag and wrap it around snugly. I have kept paint brushes fresh for up to two weeks this way. Beats using a lot of water to rinse them out each time.
This trick has saved my butt so many times! I put mine in the fridge after wrapping it. I don't know why, my husband taught me.
Great thread! I check in every night now. It seems we are constantly evolving our coop and run. Some of the things that have worked to make things easier for us and the flock:
View attachment 1111973
I added 4 removable for cleaning 2x3 roosing bars at 12" x 12" intervals. You could use 2x4's with larger breeds. We also use trays under roosts and hanging feeders. Trays available at or at:

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I originally wanted plastic 2x4's but realized they would sag over a 6 ft span.
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I added window screen over the predator screen on vent holes today to keep out mosquitoes (not shown). We put vent holes along the sides and at the rooftop. I have plexiglas squares to cover the holes by the perches in cooler weather.
View attachment 1111978
Added raised bed herb boxes around the coop for nibbles and whatever benefits they may supply. Note the wire fencing arch over the bed to keep girls from tilling the bed.

View attachment 1111981
We added a 275 sq ft run made of dog run fencing (2 gates) and dried it in with 2x4 rafters and corrugated Polylite at a 7 degree pitch for runoff. Once we are finished with the adjacent garden, we open the gates and let the girls enjoy the leftovers and till in this year's compost. The compound is surrounded by an electric Premier 1 Poultry Mesh, which hasn't been breeched in the 18 months we have used it.

Absolutely incredible. What a wonderful set up. Just wonderful.

I'm stealing the fencing over the plants idea for my hostas next year.

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