I got three boards up before i had to come in to cool off. I have to cut each one to length, then trim the sides so they don't have lumps and bumps sticking out. And the dog has to have her stick thrown, of course. I would like to finish half this side today. I may be out there in the dark.
I am taking a break also.
I got the last two plates laid out and marked for studs.
this afternoon, I have a sort of promise of help to set the finished wall up.
I have part of a rafter laid out. now I misplaced my notes, so I will have to compute again.

I am thinking of using the box of the pickup truck as the table for the last wall.
then when it is all nailed together I can back into place and tip it off onto the sill plate.

Annie put a collar and leash on one of the 3 month old puppies for the first time.
You would think somebody was trying to kill it.
after a few walks around the yard and down the driveway , he adjusted to it pretty quickly.

I have another collar ready for the other guy.
they all respond the same way.
squeal and cry and tumble like a tornado on a string..
It is not a job for the squeamish. you just have to keep walking and let them figure it out..

I remember my first Sheltie, she was like that. Sometimes i let puppies drag the leash around and get used to it. Then call them to me. They get the idea.
I have about 1/3 of the wall done. Break time again. I am a bit dizzy so i am going to drink a bunch of water until i feel better. Going Saturday to pick up more siding.
Now i am closer to half done that wall, putting the siding up. Hope to do more after supper. At least it is a little cooler.
I left the door to the run open, but the guineas barely came out. The two chickens were more adventurous, but the Shepherd took a run at them and they scooted back to the run. We scolded the dog, hope she gets the message.

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