yep, indeed, I got busy this morning and trimmed the bottom of both sashes off about 3/4"
then I put on a pair of surgical gloves and started painting.
got both sashes done and all 12 stops painted.
even gave the sill a second coat and painted the sub frame.
I was going to do the painting in the shop, but after the sun came up it was warmer outside. so not I have pieces spread out in the tractor bucket and on the back of the pu truck, drying..

I started out with just one row of potatoes.
Annie is digging just what she needs for meals
i don't know how far she got dug, but the row is 190 feet long.

I am going to try to rig up something on the tractor to root out the rest of them. I might damage some, but the majority should be OK.

I have a buster plow, but I didn't get the hitch built for it yet.

Great Jim! Wish i had the talent to build a window!
Today i put up tarps on the bird run. Found out the best way to do it is to start at the bottom so if there is extra i can wrap it over the top. Got three put up, one more to go and i will buy more when i go in town.
Also busy making the trail into the woods leading to guinea land, the spot where the hoop coop will go.
Just had lunch, i didn't wake up til noon today so i guess i needed the rest.
Well I got around to starting on the silkies Dr seuss style house. and I thought of another helful tip on building coops.
In the pics I had to hold a camera. but think of it as in my left hand I hold the square and in the right hand the skill saw. You can make perfect straight cuts when using the square as a guide. its a old trick but maybe someone has not seen this yet in life.

helpful tip.jpg

What a great day! I got twice as much trail done today as the last time i worked on it, plus i filled a big hole with soil , tended two fires and hung tarps on runs. Just going out to check the fires and maybe work in the workshop on the cat scratch tower. I don't know how i am going to get everything done before winter sets in. I have a lot of plants and bulbs to put in. And a hoop coop to build. Guess i will have to start getting up earlier since it keeps getting dark earlier. :barnie
I did end up getting one shelf made for the cat scratch tower. Not attached or levelled yet, but that can wait. I could not believe it was 11:30 when i came in.
I went up and looked, guinea trail is over halfway to the build site! I am going to get the Mule and haul major dead wood out of there!
So pleased, the trail to the build site is done, except for raking the leaves off. And the build site is mostly cleared except the remains of a big dead pine tree. I hauled the t posts up there, and my roll of wire will be next. I am going to have to get busy and order some lumber at the mill! Super excited to start the hoop coop. I told the contractor that is building the goat shed i will be done before he is! We are adding a hay loft to the shed as well.

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