good morning, it looks like a winter wonderland here. about 4 inches of new wet snow.. a real pita to walk in, but very pretty hanging in all the trees.

I use original Gorilla Glue when I build my chicken plucker frames. there is nothing better.
you have to use it correctly. ie. wet one side of the wood that is going to be glued
the glue is activated by the water.

outside I have a sump pump pipe sticking out of the house. I have it running into a flexible hose. they don't fit properly, but the gorilla tape around the connection makes it leak proof and it is holding up very well for me..
someone broke one of the plastic tabs off that hold the shower head when hanging it up
a drop of original gorilla glue fixed it.
better than super glue..
I needed some non expanding glue for doing my window extensions. I bought a small bottle of clear non expanding gorilla glue.
you have to wet the wood with that, also.

a couple of years ago I had a bottle of expanding gorilla freeze. I tipped it upside down in the kitchen sink drain to thaw. well , it did.. and some of it dripped down into the trap.. it expanded and set up. blocked the drain. I had to take the trap out and drill and chip the glue out.
moral of this story: don't do that
also, don't take the heads off of your tractor and try to degrease them in your wife's dishwasher.. they come out nice and clean, but all the grease that was on them sticks to the inside of the dishwasher. took a lot of elbow grease and 4 complete cycles of the dishwasher to clean it up.. does not make a happy camper out of your wife, either..

good morning, it looks like a winter wonderland here. about 4 inches of new wet snow.. a real pita to walk in, but very pretty hanging in all the trees.

I use original Gorilla Glue when I build my chicken plucker frames. there is nothing better.
you have to use it correctly. ie. wet one side of the wood that is going to be glued
the glue is activated by the water.

outside I have a sump pump pipe sticking out of the house. I have it running into a flexible hose. they don't fit properly, but the gorilla tape around the connection makes it leak proof and it is holding up very well for me..
someone broke one of the plastic tabs off that hold the shower head when hanging it up
a drop of original gorilla glue fixed it.
better than super glue..
I needed some non expanding glue for doing my window extensions. I bought a small bottle of clear non expanding gorilla glue.
you have to wet the wood with that, also.

a couple of years ago I had a bottle of expanding gorilla freeze. I tipped it upside down in the kitchen sink drain to thaw. well , it did.. and some of it dripped down into the trap.. it expanded and set up. blocked the drain. I had to take the trap out and drill and chip the glue out.
moral of this story: don't do that
also, don't take the heads off of your tractor and try to degrease them in your wife's dishwasher.. they come out nice and clean, but all the grease that was on them sticks to the inside of the dishwasher. took a lot of elbow grease and 4 complete cycles of the dishwasher to clean it up.. does not make a happy camper out of your wife, either..

Sounds like time to make a snow man!
About the drain and the dishwasher :lau Reminds me of leaving pens in my scrubs and having to clean the inside of the dryer with alcohol.;)
yeppers, 5 inches of wet snow would make a huge snowman.

our house resident's son was coming to pick him up.. he called from about a mile from our house.. he was stuck.
fired up the 4WD pu truck and grabbed a tow strap.
his "stuck" consisted of being all the way off the road and fully into the ditch.
I honestly didn't think we could get him out. but gave it a try anyhow.
the car came out surprisingly easy.
lucky he went off where he did. there are so many worse places he could have went off.

Since Randy will be gone for a few days, I switched window trimming to his room.
I got the sill in already.
ate lunch and took a nap.
everybody else is gone today.
I am home alone. nice ..

yeppers, 5 inches of wet snow would make a huge snowman.

our house resident's son was coming to pick him up.. he called from about a mile from our house.. he was stuck.
fired up the 4WD pu truck and grabbed a tow strap.
his "stuck" consisted of being all the way off the road and fully into the ditch.
I honestly didn't think we could get him out. but gave it a try anyhow.
the car came out surprisingly easy.
lucky he went off where he did. there are so many worse places he could have went off.

Since Randy will be gone for a few days, I switched window trimming to his room.
I got the sill in already.
ate lunch and took a nap.
everybody else is gone today.
I am home alone. nice ..

Home Alone? They made a movie about that. Hope you don't have any burgulars!
I went out after i planted 3 bushes and 3 mums today and worked on getting the tarps up again with bungies. Did that, moved some pieces of wood i put on the underside of the roof to deter predators, because i moved the roof so there is more overhang. Still need to attach them to pieces of wood inside the coop to anchor them. Attending to details like bending down pieces of wire sticking up. Putting more fence staples in so predators stay out. Put another tarp on the chicken run but i need more bungees. Husband says there are some in the garden shed.
I went to the Restore and was shocked how $$$$ everything was :eek:

Didn't find what I was looking for anyway. Then took a drive to find an EV charger (I just bought the Chevy BOLT).

Came home and let hens out to play out front. Made a real door, kinda.
I put up Plastic mesh in the coop as a makeshift door. It now had wood "edges" so it swings open/shut. Plus made simple small wood slide to hold door shut (think old fashioned potato hutch).

it works and I got to use up a bunch of scrap wood sitting around. Takes longer that way but I got to be outside in the nice crisp Autumn air.
I also put up the plexiglass piece over the door window. I had just put up screening before for ventilation in the warm weather. Now that it is hitting 30-40's at night I wanted to get it on.

PLEASE keep your Snow there.... I am not ready yet :oops:
I put up Plastic mesh in the coop as a makeshift door. It now had wood "edges" so it swings open/shut. Plus made simple small wood slide to hold door shut (think old fashioned potato hutch).
You should update your build thread...I sent someone there to day who is just starting with a resin shed.
TY ! I will but it got dark when I finished so I didn't take any pics.
I will tomorrow and update it.

I would tell people to buy the Rubbermaid shed. WAY thicker walls, double walls actually. The keter and Suncast are just a thin wall which made me think not strong in my New England weather !

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