I am currently building my biggest coop ever and thought about how many newbies are trying to build their first coop ever. Thinking of all you struggling to learn the use of tools and with questions on your mind about planning, i thought it would be helpful to share what i have learned and let others do the same. Even small tips can ease frustration in the building process. If you just want to share pictures of your progress, have at it. Let's share and encourage each other.
The usual back yard chicken rules apply. Please play nice, no need to be rude. Everyone has to learn sometime . Welcome to my coop building thread.
I usually make my own coop. but it's great that someone can teach us on how we can build a tough one. well... the proper way to build one that is.
I built my main coop over 40 years ago.
I have never had an issue with predators in that coop.
when the doors are closed, nothing gets in or out.
I have a 4 inch thick concrete floor with two tiers of cement block under wood stud walls. A second hand steel door, steel roof.
used jalouse windows. at first it had wooden lap siding, later I went over that with left over vinyl siding.. completely insulated with a suspended ceiling with used 2' x 2' drop in tiles..
It was a bit pricey , but I wouldn't do any other way if I had to do it again.. .
On the long wall I have nests from wall to wall; mounted to the wall. . above the nests are 4 brooder cages with individual heat and light. along the other long wall, the one with the windows in it, I have two 16 ft roosts. (removable for cleaning the coop)
I remove one of the jalouse windows and toss the refuse right into the tractor bucket.
depending on the weather and my mood, I have a protected electric heater. I direct the blower toward the 5 gallon waterer .. the heater is governed by a Thermacube..
I built my main coop over 40 years ago.
I have never had an issue with predators in that coop.
when the doors are closed, nothing gets in or out.
I have a 4 inch thick concrete floor with two tiers of cement block under wood stud walls. A second hand steel door, steel roof.
used jalouse windows. at first it had wooden lap siding, later I went over that with left over vinyl siding.. completely insulated with a suspended ceiling with used 2' x 2' drop in tiles..
It was a bit pricey , but I wouldn't do any other way if I had to do it again.. .
On the long wall I have nests from wall to wall; mounted to the wall. . above the nests are 4 brooder cages with individual heat and light. along the other long wall, the one with the windows in it, I have two 16 ft roosts. (removable for cleaning the coop)
I remove one of the jalouse windows and toss the refuse right into the tractor bucket.
depending on the weather and my mood, I have a protected electric heater. I direct the blower toward the 5 gallon waterer .. the heater is governed by a Thermacube..

Your coop sounds amazing Jim!

Could you give us a virtual tour or a series of photos please? (Maybe once your weather warms up ;)). I for one would find it very interesting!
I have a lot of pictures of the coop. They are on an old camera card which I cannot find.
I will check if they are stored in the computer memory..
we had a ''dusting'' of snow. not enough to even show on the cars. but they are predicting a healthy snow shower for Sunday.
It looks like Aart already got a taste of snow this week.
How about Cappy ?? Tornadoes ?? I will settle for more snow..

this is the coop as it looks today. it is behind the snow pile..
I found a picture of the nests with the brooder cages above them in my profile gallery..
I will try to post it.
Chicken Chores at 28° felt much nicer than yesterday's 15°.
Yes, we got maybe 5" over a couple days midweek...came from the south.
Ground is still unfrozen, might have thrown more gravel, dirt, and grass than snow clearing the driveway. Dug a few holes that needed fixin' too. SMH.
It's still spittin once in awhile, supposed to get 3" tomorrow.
View attachment 2021241
this is the coop as it looks today. it is behind the snow pile..
I found a picture of the nests with the brooder cages above them in my profile gallery..
I will try to post it.
if this works, it will be the nests with the brooder pens above them.View attachment 2021251
well, that didn't work, but this is my tractor after it snowed. It turned out to be frozen to the ground.
we had to pull it loose with the truck.

Thanks for the pics Jim.

Sorry to say, with all that snow, I’m none the wiser as to what your coop looks like.

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