there are different varieties of black raspberries
My Mom used to call them black caps.
My brother has some that do not have thorns.
Mine just showed up a couple of years ago . I think the wild birds "planted" them from the electric wires coming into the house.
The berries are absolutely delicious.
The plants spread by tip rooting. You don't have to do anything to help them.
We also have gold berries and the usual red ones.. also have a huge blackberry patch.
there are different varieties of black raspberries

As a kid I drove my mother nuts. I didn't much care for the red raspberries she'd planted but I'd diligently harvest every wild black raspberry bush on the fringes of the yard and for half a mile up and down the road.

I'll have some on my country property once I convince DH to designate an out of the way corner (he hates thorns), and find a legal source (I'm in one of those states that nurseries can't ship certain berries too because of our pine trees).
I'm in the process of building a coop. I am planning to put 1 large vent, and 1 smaller vent on opposite facing walls. Any helpful tips or advice to make it better. Our idea is to include a hinge door on the front.
How many birds do you plan on keeping?
That looks pretty small...what are the dimensions?

Where you live can have a big effect on who your build your coop and run.
Welcome to BYC! @exoticedes
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
When I was a kid and the child protection laws were different, we'd pick raspberries, black caps, strawberries, green beans, and blackberries in the summer for money. The farms had old school buses pick us up before dawn and take us out to the farms to pick whatever was in season. Our folks liked it, it kept us out of their hair and we would buy some of the produce at way reduced prices and bring some home.
we did the same thing, only we went bean picking. It was always just before the county fair so we could make some money to go spend foolishly.
The transportation the farmers used would certainly not be allowed today. We rode in the back of trucks.. They paid us 2 to 4 cents a pound . after awhile the farmers knew who the best pickers were and they loaded them into the trucks first. I was not one of them.. LOL
The other job was going to Green Bay to pick cherries. They had bunk houses where the kids stayed. I was not old enough to go there. and when I finally got old enough, they quit hiring kids..
So when I got out of 8th grade, I hired on to a chicken farm in Northern Wisconsin,, Conover.. Room and board plus a mere pittance for wages.. We butchered hundreds of chickens twice per week..cut them all in half for half fryers..
Had to look up the CLS and those are lovely birds. We have a couple of speckled sussex pullets and I love their personalities.
Super excited!!! Found a family with Maran hatching eggs that are reasonablely priced. Their hens have taken grand champion and numerous other awards at the fair for their Marans. Tomorrow I pick up 2 dozen hatching eggs. They will be a variety of blue, black, splash, cuckoo, white and wheaten. They are all pure Marans.
there are different varieties of black raspberries
My Mom used to call them black caps.
My brother has some that do not have thorns.
Mine just showed up a couple of years ago . I think the wild birds "planted" them from the electric wires coming into the house.
The berries are absolutely delicious.
The plants spread by tip rooting. You don't have to do anything to help them.
We also have gold berries and the usual red ones.. also have a huge blackberry patch.
My whole garden is turning into a blackberry patch! They keep coming up everywhere.
Super excited!!! Found a family with Maran hatching eggs that are reasonablely priced. Their hens have taken grand champion and numerous other awards at the fair for their Marans. Tomorrow I pick up 2 dozen hatching eggs. They will be a variety of blue, black, splash, cuckoo, white and wheaten. They are all pure Marans.

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