Hemp Bedding

I just started w/it. The dust from stall fresh & woodchips was insane, & my 2 skitzy guinea hens were constantly keeping it stirred up.
I had read abt it in Australian forums. I have a feeling it's easier for them to get. I also got the 33# shipped. It arrived quickly, definitely more expensive.
But the Aussies didn't lie- I have zero dust. I filter w/the extra large cat litter spoon just like I did the stall fresh. It takes a little more jiggling to separate than the stall fresh, but the droppings clump in it, my coop doesn't stink & again, no dust.
I have a tractor. I did a total coop clean, scattered it on the drop boards and coop floor and just topped off the wood chips in the run. I didnt go super thick, they don't need the insulation right now and I can add to w/deep bedding. What I've described used just under 1/2 the block.
So, yes, it costs more, only place I found it was on Amazon. It doesn't have an aroma, it absorbs the odors, the droppings clump in it, and no dust. Oh, and they have a blast pecking and digging through it, so they're doing that job for me.
I love hemp since it can be used for almost everything. You can also buy big bags for a low cost! It is warm and doesn't have to be changed as often as other bedding.
I clean up all the poop (by just scooping it up) a few times a week. Then when it gets too dirty I just rake it all up and replace it.

Hen raising chicks in the coop which has warm hemp!

Hemp is good for foraging and dust baths, as demonstrated here!

Hemp in the brooder!


Hemp can be used for other pets too!
I've been buying this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Z42Z611/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It's worked great. We do deep litter in the coop, and also use PDZ with it.
We are currently using it with our second batch of chicks and there is SO MUCH LESS dust than with the wood shavings we used the first time. It's way more expensive but in general I'm pretty happy with it. We live in Florida, the coops is more dry now than when we tried using straw for the litter. And less dusty than wood shavings.
I have both hemp and pine shavings in my coop. The hemp settles to the bottom, since the pieces are smaller. I was going to get another bale, but then we got insane cold weather and lots of snow. It has to be shipped to me, and I know UPS would not be able to get up my drive, so I got a bale of pine instead.

One of my husband's coworkers uses it and loves it.

It is quite a bit more expensive. $33 for a bale versus about $7 for the pine shavings.
I’ve been wondering about using hemp. How would you say it runs temp wise? I’m in Texas and it’s just so hot. The pine shavings I currently have aren’t doing my flock any favors. I’m vacillating between hemp, coconut coir, and sand.
I’m here in Florida…and personally find my chickens stay way cooler in their sand..they won’t even sleep in their well ventilated new coop…they just like the cool sand…I have to constantly re-add buckets of it because they dig big holes for coolness, i even moved their nesting boxes out in the run with sand bottoms…and just a little hay for the “nest shape” and they push all the hay out, dig a fresh cool sand pit and they all lay in the same box…also makes cleaning poo super easy (kind of acts like cat litter). i have heavy breeds…so I’m hoping this method works for me this summer too

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