Hen Acting Off


Premium Feather Member
Dec 19, 2021
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop

I have a 2yo hen who's not quite herself, not sure what's wrong. I first noticed her behavior last night while putting the flock up, she was sitting in the corner of the coop instead of on the perch. I didn't think much of it, I was thinking maybe she got kicked off the roost, so I put her back on the roost. Well this morning when I let the chickens I noticed she didn't come out, instead she was in the same corner in the coop just standing there. She was keeping one of her eyes shut, and had a messy bottom of urates.
So I brought her in and gave her a bath to clean up her bottom, and then gave her Nutri-Drench, Calcium Citrate +D3, Vitamin B Complex, VetRx, and sugar water, just some things to see if they'd help her. I also rinsed her eyes out with saline.
I've only seen one of her droppings today, so she's probably only went a couple of times, and there definitely should be more. The one and only I've seen looked quite loose, with some green and urates.
After doing the saline rinses a few times, she's now opening her eye. So I think that's not much of anything to be worried about. Maybe her eyes were irritated from something.
I've given her cooked eggs, sardines, and moist chicken feed to eat. The only thing she ate on her own was the sardines, and she didn't eat a whole lot of them. So I had to feed her the eggs and moist feed myself. She is drinking on her own though.
The last egg she laid was yesterday, we'll see if she lays today.
Her crop was nearly empty this morning when I found her, so I don't think its a crop issue. I'll check again tomorrow morning just to be sure though.
She and the flock had a round of deworming, the last dose was yesterday. They got Safeguard goat dewormer for 5 days in a row.
I don't see any mites or lice on her so that's of no concern.
She doesn't seem very sick, just a bit off and doesn't have an appetite. She has good color to her comb and wattles.

I'm not sure what's wrong, and what to do. I don't want to lose her, as I've already lost quite a few this year, sadly, one being recent. So any help is appreciated, thanks!
I think you're doing exactly what I would have done. I would keep trying to get her to eat, she may come around.
Okay, thank you! That's what I was thinking.
Is she limping at all, any injuries?
No injuries that I can see. She does have a permanent limp though, which she got a couple months ago.
I did notice her pelvic bones seemed quite pronounced, and larger and bigger than normal. Not sure if that means anything or not. I'll have to get a picture.
I'm sorry Cocoa is not doing well.
I think you are doing everything you can for her, it sounds like things I would try.

Did she lay an egg today? You gave Calcium, so I'd give another in the morning if she's not laid an egg.
I'm sorry Cocoa is not doing well.
I think you are doing everything you can for her, it sounds like things I would try.

Did she lay an egg today? You gave Calcium, so I'd give another in the morning if she's not laid an egg.
Thank you!
She did not lay an egg today, which I kind of expected. I'll give her more calcium tomorrow.
She's really not acting too terribly, just a bit slow and lethargic with no appetite.
I believe she has a crop issue, when I woke up and felt her crop it was not empty, felt a little smaller than yesterday but definitely shouldn't be as full as it is.
Explains why she's not eating and only drinking, she was drinking quite a bit this morning.
Her crop feels like dough. Would this be an impacted crop?
She did have a big poop, much more solid than before.
She might be starting to moult which will make them rather picky with feed and feeling unwell. The whole metabolism will slow down (crop) , but as long as she is still pooping to your satisfaction I wouldnot worry too much, just keep her hydrated and feed extra animal protein
I believe she has a crop issue, when I woke up and felt her crop it was not empty, felt a little smaller than yesterday but definitely shouldn't be as full as it is.
Explains why she's not eating and only drinking, she was drinking quite a bit this morning.
Her crop feels like dough. Would this be an impacted crop?
She did have a big poop, much more solid than before.
I agree with @LaFleche often the crop can be a bit slow during molt since the bird goes off feed and doesn't eat/drink quite as much.

I'd monitor her, watch that she's drinking well. If it's doughy, I'd give her coconut oil, 1tsp twice a day and light massage of the crop each time. The oil won't hurt anything, see if it gets things moving.

Having a big poop is good, that's nice to hear:D
She might be starting to moult which will make them rather picky with feed and feeling unwell. The whole metabolism will slow down (crop) , but as long as she is still pooping to your satisfaction I wouldnot worry too much, just keep her hydrated and feed extra animal protein
I agree with @LaFleche often the crop can be a bit slow during molt since the bird goes off feed and doesn't eat/drink quite as much.
I'm not sure she's molting, or will, I could be wrong though. She does have pin feathers so she may just be having a very very soft molt, or is just growing more feathers.
I'd monitor her, watch that she's drinking well. If it's doughy, I'd give her coconut oil, 1tsp twice a day and light massage of the crop each time. The oil won't hurt anything, see if it gets things moving.
I did the coconut oil twice and massaged this evening, so hopefully it helps.
Having a big poop is good, that's nice to hear:D
She had many of them today, much better than yesterday when she only had a couple. They're looser stools, but its better than before.

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