Hen and excepting baby chick.


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
Will a hen except a baby chick that has hatched a week after she hatched several eggs. We finished the process in an incubator and did not know if it has been to long for her to raise this chick with the others.
It really depends on the hen. Some of them are Ultimate Mommies and will accept a chick that's younger than the rest, but many of the hens I've known won't, so it's a gamble. One thing to consider is that a very young chick probably won't be able to keep up with the other chicks, and could end up getting lost or chilled. The other concern is that the older chicks might bully it, or push it away from the food. Keep a close eye on the situation; it has potential to go poorly.

I agree with the post above. Some hens will take any chick or they will reject them it is a gamble but watch it and have a brooder ready for just in case!


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