Hen attacked by dog.

Hmmm. Have you checked out dlhunicorn's site? She has links on there to many things about nursing injured chickens.
Good luck - I'm sorry this happened to one of your girls.
Thanks so much everyone. My husband came home and found a break in her joint...pops when moved. She is doing a tiny bit better...not lying on her side all the time, she tries to sit up more but it is only a tiny bit stronger. I think it will be a long road for her and as long as she is making progress I will keep nursing her. I don't want her to be confined to box life forever though. This website has tremedously helped me with my flock and I am greatful to have found it!
I had three situations like this:

1: Hens leg pulled through a wire, limped. Secluded her for 2 weeks or so, does completely fine now.

2: More complex! Hen got chased by other hen into a corner of the run where she got her leg caught in chain link and broken up high. Brought her to my ex boss who is a vet- he put her on AB's. Never got better, abcessed. Removed the abcess. Now, although mechanically she should have no trouble walking, she hops on one leg everywhere! Never puts it down except to occasionally balance herself. she does very well with the general population while free ranging and what not. She even saved herself from a hawk attack once by getting away in time, then hding al night on me!

3: Hen came into vet, non weight bearing on leg. They dropped her off to be put to sleep. I brought her home gave her to my brother who caged her separately for a few weeks. She is fine now.

I think hens are pretty resilient.
Hope your does well.
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