Hen being over mated Buttonquail

thank you, by the way and should i leave her in quarantine until she is heeled? im just worried that she will be lonely and when i take her out there will be two females and three mails will that be alright for awhile The other hens dont let the roosters boss them around only this one and is there anything i can put on the bald spots to help
I wouldn't separate her for more than a couple days. The males will start paying attention to the other girls, and hopefully not as much to her when she moves back in.
I wouldn't separate her for more than a couple days. The males will start paying attention to the other girls, and hopefully not as much to her when she moves back in.
ok thank you do you think she will get lonly they all sleep in a big pile together still although they are all adults should i seperat the other two girls with her so they still have snuggel buddies? or will that make reintroductions harder.
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ok thank you do you think she will get lonly they all sleep in a big pile together still although they are all adults should i seperat the other two girls with her so they still have snuggel buddies? or will that make reintroductions harder.
Actually, separating all of the girls wouldn't be a bad idea. As you said, they'll have company, and the boys are less likely to go right back to over breeding the girl when you put her back.
Actually, separating all of the girls wouldn't be a bad idea. As you said, they'll have company, and the boys are less likely to go right back to over breeding the girl when you put her back.
Hey I just let them back together and the one mean mail went right back to it should I just give them time to settle

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