Hen being picked on


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2019
I have 4 hens all about 6 months old. I believe one is being bullied. She has a large spot on her back that is bald. I have separated her from the rest so she can heal. Is that right? Or do I separate the bully out? My coop is 4×8 with a run that is 8 feet wide by 10 feet long. I have 2 ladders with a board across for them to climb on so they can get up off the ground. I have attached pics. Advice appreciated!


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Yes, absolutely sure there are no roosters.
I would separate her & feed feather fixer by Purina(high protein).
She should have results within a couple weeks +. Re introduce with supervision.
Lesser aggressive birds can be singled out. It's called "herd thinning by natural selection".
I would separate her & feed feather fixer by Purina(high protein).
She should have results within a couple weeks +. Re introduce with supervision.
Lesser aggressive birds can be singled out. It's called "herd thinning by natural selection".
Thank you! If the bullying still happens after she is healed, do I separate the bully then?
I would separate her & feed feather fixer by Purina(high protein).
She should have results within a couple weeks +. Re introduce with supervision.
Lesser aggressive birds can be singled out. It's called "herd thinning by natural selection".
She might be having probs getting her share of the feed... attacked in the rear shows signs of picked on with back turned.. I've had birds chased away from bullies at feedings.. they get robbed of nutrition..
She might be having probs getting her share of the feed... attacked in the rear shows signs of picked on with back turned.. I've had birds chased away from bullies at feedings.. they get robbed of nutrition..
I have multiple feeding stations set up now. Hopefully this helps!
Or do I separate the bully out?
Do you know for sure that she is being bullied by one particular bird?
I would remove the bully....if it's just one bird that is causing the damage.
You may need to do some observation to find out just what the problem is.

Loss of feathers doesn't need to 'heal'....they won't grow back until she molts.

You might put some 'hiding places' in the run.

What all and how exactly are you feeding?

feather fixer by Purina(high protein)
Is made by Nutrena/NatureWise...and doesn't actually 'fix' feathers as the name implies.
It is 18% protein which might help..depending on current diet.

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