Hen boost, rooster boost or fermented chicken feed?


Apr 20, 2018
San Jose, CA

I have been struggling with my hens picking feathers, poo sticking to back feathers, and some combs that look dry and (this week) have slight blue tips.

They all eat well. Have bathing area with herbs, DE, wood ash and a hen bath powder (forgot the name, but packaged in white plastic jar with green chicken silhouettes.)

I am concerned that their immune is not good. And their feathers look a mess

I tried giving them hen boost with probiotics in water, but they win’t Drink it.

I gave them rooster boost with probiotics in water yesterday. They seems to like it.

I have also made the fermented chicken feed and they LOVED it.

Do any of you have a preference, or seen better results between these?

My hens do need more space. I am in process of this now. And they do get plenty of protein.

Thanks for your feedback.
Rooster Booster brand Poultry Cell or Poultry Nutri drench are my favorite and most effective supplements.

I did FF for 2 years... it did not make significant changes in their condition but wasted a whole lot of my time.

What is the age of your flock?

Hanging broccoli or cabbage to jump at for enrichment might help. Or maybe a scratching box with compost stuff to dig and look for bugs? Look for entertainment or enrichment ideas to help. :fl
Rooster Booster brand Poultry Cell or Poultry Nutri drench are my favorite and most effective supplements.

I did FF for 2 years... it did not make significant changes in their condition but wasted a whole lot of my time.

What is the age of your flock?

Hanging broccoli or cabbage to jump at for enrichment might help. Or maybe a scratching box with compost stuff to dig and look for bugs? Look for entertainment or enrichment ideas to help. :fl

The older ones are a year old. The younger are about 9 months old.

I have a hen, my alpha, who keeps getting egg bound every time she eats too much protein. She is a big pig and eats faster than the others.

I hang herbs, broccoli and cucumber for them to peck at. And leave Brussel sprouts in run. I could get leaves to put in run. They also love going through fresh rice hulls. And I let them out a couple times of day to dig for worms.

How did the rooster booster help your flock? Did it help with feathers?

Thanks for responding
How did the rooster booster help your flock? Did it help with feathers?
My flock doesn't seem to need help really as I select the highest quality birds for breeding... meaning the ones with the least issues. Anyone who displays weakness is sold off or processed here. I used the Poultry Cell when my hatch analysis indicated quitters on a certain day meant my eggs were deficient (for hatching) of a specific vitamin. It's been a while so I can't remember exactly which one. And honestly that was my Silkies... which I sold off shortly after due to excessive broodiness. So I also used it the day before their move to help against the stress of being caught and transported over 6 hours and exposure to a completely new environment. No reports of any issues followed. No supplement should be given more than 10 days in a row. I did not like the way poultry cell didn't mix well in the water. So I might mix it in water but then use it and mix in the days feed. I'm not sure if top dressing will spread it well enough for the whole flock to get their share.

Basically, I don't have true follow up on the product. :oops: As far as I could tell during my research... it had the broadest spectrum of nutrients.

Despite having access to a bath with lots of stuff in it... I would suggest making sure to check for parasites... after dark with a flashlight is best, parting feathers below vent and on abdomen and look for crawlies running away.

Feather fixer feed has 18% protein... MAYBE a little more amino acids than typical layer... as feathers are made from 90% protein and its amino acids. It USED to have sulfur in it to combat mites but no longer does. Despite feathers being made from 90% protein... they only contain about 2% digestible protein and lack there of is blamed on feather picking more than it's the actual cause. Most often it is simply bad behavior.

Your gals that are a year old may be showing wear (from preening and basic life) on their feathers that won't get better until molt.

Most often when I notice feather issues... I check and need to treat for lice or mites... using a permethrin spray that doesn't require egg withdrawal... and then notice a difference shortly there after in feather quality. But it is also sometimes just due to crowding in my younger chicks all jumping on each other to avoid me and such.

What the poultry nutri drench and poultry cell have that most other products don't.. is amino acids. Sorry I cannot give a more definitive review of the products I suggested...

The nutri drench has saved many a shipped chick for sure.

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