Hen breathing problems


6 Years
Mar 2, 2018
Hi all. I have some fairly young hens that have been out in the back yard coop for around a week now. It's been unusually cold the last couple of days. I checked on them after putting them to bed and one hen was on the floor. Not the best place for her. I picked her up and put her on her perch. She seemed to have trouble keeping balance and her breathing sounded a little laboured. I picked her up and basically she's gone limp. Brought he inside the house with the heater now. As it is she's not responding. Any help or suggestions?
It sounds like it might be Marek's. Hopefully some more experienced members can give a second opinion.
Keeping her warm is a good move.
Tell us what the ventilation is like in the coop? How many square feet of opening per bird?
Most respiratory problems happen in late fall and winter when people think they need to close the birds up because of the cold.
Chickens suffer from heat and bad air, not cold.
Ventilation is pretty good. They have a wire mesh on three side about a foot tall. The perch about 3 feet above it. Couldn't guess at square footage per bird.
I hope it's not something like mareks. It's only one hen from 13 showing any problems. I think sadly she may have already died. Doesn't seem to be responding to anything now
Will keep her in the house tonight anyway and maybe see if our local vet might be able to determine cause
What state are you in? Most local vets are not good avian vets, have no experience with poultry and the office visit will be pricey. Send the bird to your state poultry lab for a complete workup. Results will be cheaper and conclusive.

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