Hen can't stand or walk--butt goes high in air and tilts her over!


11 Years
Mar 2, 2010
Help! My hen had droopy neck so I treated with Polyvisol and Vitamin E with selenium. She was better after that and walking and standing, but NOW she can't stand and her butt keeps lifting in the air and throwing off her balance so she falls when trying to walk. Her legs seem too week to stand, especially the left side, so she is on the honch part of her left foot to eat. HELP! We are going on two weeks now. I did stop the vitamin e once her neck was better (then I read you need to keep giving it to her for three weeks so back on it). She also was on panacur for worms per the vet, and corrid for coccidosis. How long do I have to treat for coccidosis? When she got worse; super weak on left side and couldn't stand, I stopped the corrid to give her lots of vitamin B; complex, nutridrench, and even polyvisol. That didn't help so now I am back on corrid and vitamin e with selenium. Anyone else have the but up in the air and tilting over issue? HELP! She is about 10 months old.
What was the outcome? I've had several chickens dies like this. I've tried corrid, vitamins, your name it nothing has worked. They seem to live for about a week, maybe, and then die. They still want to eat and drink too. It's bizarre
What was the outcome? I've had several chickens dies like this. I've tried corrid, vitamins, your name it nothing has worked. They seem to live for about a week, maybe, and then die. They still want to eat and drink too. It's bizarre
Could you start a new thread on the emergency forum here (click on the green box)
where more people could see it and offer help? This one is very old and may be ignored. What were the ages of the chickens, did they seem to have imbalance or paralysis? Any and all symptoms could be helpful. Were your chickens vaccinated for anything? Sorry for your loss.
This sounds like something that befell one of mine last June. I suspect avian encephalomyelitis but no lab tests have been undertaken.

He is still with us by the way; he got over it with intensive care for a couple of months, but he has not made a full recovery - he can't run anymore - and now lives (by choice) in the protective custody of a pen.

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