Hen Comb Bleeding


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
My hen got hurt today. Her comb is bleeding I have used flour and cornstarch and neosporin. It hasnt stoped bleeding. I dont know what to do the area where it is bleeding the comb has turned black. Can anyone advise me on what to do?
It sounds like you are doing everything right. the blackness may just be dried blood. I would keep with the neosporin and just watch her. She should do fine. Keep us posted.
Once two of my chickens burned their combs on a heat lamp, and i bled, forming several small black scabs on their combs. I used Bag Balm, and applied it twice a day and it worked really fast. Your fingers smell like Bag Balm for a good hour afterwards, but it makes a huge difference for the chickens. If the bleeding continues, there must not be a scab forming, or the scab is being broken. Is there anything that your chicken may be continually getting hurt by? (A heat lamp, piece of chicken wire stickin out, or other hens pecking her?) If you find something, just remove your chicken from the situation until she heals. Hope this is helpful.
It's ok, just keep the noesporin coming. The question you should ask youself is "How do you think they survived the last millions of years before domestication?" Just baby it a little. Leave it alone if it was another chicken that hurt it.
I too would go with the bag balm. It may be other chicks are pecking at it because of the blood. Keep an eye on her and good luck!

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