Hen (comet) died of Ascites --- Questions about Peritonitis and Leukemia


6 Years
Jun 20, 2016
Our 4-year old comet died two days ago with water belly/ascites. I took a sterile sample of the liquid in her abdomen (yellow and watery) and gave it to our wonderful vet friend to exam. She said that it had bacteria in it and was either egg peritonitis or leukemia. Her concern is that if it is leukemia, that it's contagious and all the birds (10) are carrying it. A friend who is a poultry expert and has around 400 birds at one time said that comets are known to have reproductive issues. We did not do a necropsy, but will if another bird dies.

Backstory on our dead bird: Last summer, our comet suddenly had a limp. Watched her for a week and then it went away. However, she started roosting on the lower roost (although she was high ranking bird) and slowed and then stopped laying. Otherwise, she seemed healthy. Within the last month, she started to act oddly and then I noticed her abdomen was swollen.

After our comet died, I checked our other birds and we have a golden polish/buff wyandotte cross (around 4 years) with a swollen belly. I tried to take fluid to compare to the dead bird - but when I did I realized she is bloated - there was no fluid/only air. She is laying, not daily, but a few times a week, occasionally has a poopy butt (a new thing) and is also now sitting on the lower roost. I'm wondering if it's the same thing or another reproductive issue. We also have a minorca (3 years) who is looking kind of lack luster these days and has had a poopy butt this last month. Her abdomen is fine. Thinking she may need to be dewormed, which I need to do on all the birds.

Any guidance/thoughts? Want to keep everyone healthy.

This is my first flock. We started 2.5 years ago. Of our 10 birds, 7 (6 hens (all varieties) and 1 roo) came as adults (with lots of illnesses) ranging between the ages of 9 months and 2 years; 2 easter egger chicks (hens) 2 years ago and 1 cemani chick (hen) last summer. This is our first death - and reproductive issues are new to me.
Reproductive issues are the mist common cause of death in hens over 2 years old. Those include egg yolk peritonitis, internal laying, salpingitis, impacted oviduct, and ascites. Ascities which sounds like what your hen had, can be a result of EYP, internal laying, and heart or liver failure. Here are some articles to read about those conditions, and you will find much more doing a search on each topic on BYC or Google:

Reproductive problems in heaving laying breeds (of which Comets are included) are not uncommon, so I would not at all be surprised if that was the cause. There are many underlying causes that can result in ascites developing, and other conditions can result in matter building in the abdomen that is not liquid (internal laying, salpingitis) and can result in infection. Without a necropsy, it's just guessing which could lead you to the wrong conclusions. I'd get a fecal float test on the birds you suspect for parasites, and treat if necessary for that. If you do lose another with similar symptoms, then having a necropsy done will answer all your questions, unfortunately it is often the case, even with vet care, that definite answers only come at necropsy.

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