- Jan 30, 2015
- 5
- 1
- 62
I have 8 hens a little over a year old. They have been great, no dominance issues or fighting. Lately I've noticed one girl constantly in the laying box, though she's not sitting on anything. When I let them out she just stays in there. I'm a new chicken owner and didn't think of it. Today when I went to gather eggs I lifted her up a bit and noticed her belly was bare. So I took her out and the other girls were around and they attacked her and chased her into the run out portion of the coop. Now I have her in the run out with the coop itself closed off so she can be outside a little, and I have the rest outside. The most aggressive hen is now limping on her right leg but I can't find a cause. So I'm wondering what my next move should be. I've never had aggressions issues so I'm a bit stumped. The broody girl seems healthy otherwise, fat and others feathers are shiny, and the skin that is bare isn't red or irritated. Any suggestions? Thank you!